All you need to know to read any birth chart are these 3 astrological basics...

10 PLANETS are the electromagnetic frequencies of mind & matter
6 ASPECTS are dynamic conduits that connect & modify the frequencies.
12 SIGNS are elemental characteristics that color and style the frequencies.
(the luminaries are called planets for brevity)

Nothing like an analogy to help imagine
the unfamiliar, so here are three...

Imagine your mind is a symphony. . .

PLANETS are the musical notes
ASPECTS are their arrangements
SIGNS are the instruments

n Or a temple...

PLANETS are the building materials
ASPECTS are the architecture
SIGNS are the color scheme

Or a tome...

The 10 Planets, 6 Aspects & 12 Signs are the 28 letters of the soul.
Once committed to memory, like a five year old learns to read,
you can begin to sound out any birth chart like an open book.

Your psyche operates through an exquisite tangle of frequencies, programmed in your first breath. Your electromagnetic DNA. You're intimate with your inner landscape, yet it's still largely a mystery. So the best thing about astrology is, everyone gets a map. To put it another way, psychology
is soul logic and a birth chart is the owners manual.

A quick keyword overview of the Planets, Aspects & Signs...

[the luminaries are called planets for brevity]

Planets & signs are clearly defined, but aspects are not, so few have a clue what they are. Yet aspects are fundamental and once a month we all see one, and some of us feel it, when the Sun and Moon form a polarizing opposition aspect in an awesome display of planetary dynamics we call the Full Moon.


CONDUITS: "transmit information or electricity."

Aspects are dynamic conduits that transmit and modify planetary frequencies. Too bad they're not called conduits, it would highlight the electromagnetic nature of astrology.

and specific Aspects & Signs

Sounding out your first aspect is a lot like sounding out your first word, that A-HA! moment when you finally get it. The primary difference is that the 26 letters of the alphabet each has a single expression (with some exceptions), while the 28 letters of the soul each has multiple potential expressions.

So unlike reading a book, reading a birth chart requires speculation, but far less when you know the back story, because planetary dynamics develop in accordance with early life experience.

And it's exciting to confirm what you intuit, whether it's positive or negative; it's empowering in a way nothing else comes close to. And reading birth charts is essentially reading minds, so that's cool.

The average human mind is said to be 90% unconscious. YIKES. But we all have windows into the murky depths, and a few of us have revolving doors. And all the openings are formed by aspects from conscious to unconscious planets that bring the hidden depths to the surface. And just like reading a good book, the deeper you go, the more interesting it gets.

As Above, So Within

Everyone is born with a few of these openings and all of us experience them through time, from the planets above to the planets within. And whether the windows & doors open easy or hard, they always shed light where we need it.

We usually experience our inner landscape as a whole, but at times we're acutely aware of its separate parts. Like when your heart & head are in conflict - that's Moon & Mercury. Recognizing that you have separate parts and then learning what they are is a pretty awesome paradigm shift.

work-in-progress, more soon...

The cosmic guide through time, relationships and self-understanding.

PLANETS: Psychological frequencies
ASPECTS: Conduits that modify the frequencies
SIGNS: Elements that color the frequencies

PLANETS: Psychological frequencies of each person
ASPECTS: Conduits that connect their frequencies - 'chemistry'
SIGNS: Elements that color and flavor their chemistry

PLANETS: Transiting frequencies above to stationary frequencies within
ASPECTS: Conduits that connect frequencies above to within: forecasting
SIGNS: Elements above that harmonize with or agitate the elements within

i'm so accident-prone a minor distraction will probably kill me. So I chose
a placid celestial moment to buy a set of dishes. One year later and no breakage. Everything is energy and astrology is the users manual.


and specific Aspects & Signs

Nothing beats seeing your inner landscape confirmed on a birth chart, but
the lines & glyphs are initially perplexing. So I designed the easy-to-read BirthPrint;, to bring your landscape alive with meaning.

And no one is more qualified to read a BirthPrint than its owner, once you know the Planets, Aspects & Signs. And if you'd rather have an astrologer's guidance, knowing the 28 letters will sharpen your questions and insights.

We're all adrift in an electric sea, so who wouldn't want a map?

The ascendant (or rising sign) and the 12 House Wheel of Life are the 4th astrological basic and they're illuminating, but not essential. Good thing, because they require an exact birth time to calculate and many people don't know theirs. But the town hall where you were born may retain it. Good luck.

The ascendant is the sign on the horizon at birth and displays your persona, which may compliment, cloak or frustrate your planetary frequencies. The ascendant also determines what houses your planets occupy and what areas you're most focused on in this lifetime. More on the ascendant and 12 houses here. Or anywhere at your fingertips.

Exact birth times are calculated on Natal BirthPrints; estimated or unknown birth times are calculated on Solar BirthPrints. And both the Natal and Solar BirthPrints divinely display the essential Planets, Aspects & Signs.

Moon's nodes symbolize your spiritual life path. The north node is the path you're moving into and the south node is what you're moving beyond. And they're in opposition, which may reflect the struggle for balance. The nodes involve the divine law of reincarnation and if that's your cup of tea, ALABE calculates free birth charts & north nodes (south nodes are assumed).

A quick review...
10 PLANETS: The electromagnetic frequencies of mind and matter
6 ASPECTS: Dynamic csonduits that connect & modify the frequencies
12 SIGNS: Elemental characteristics that color and style the frequencies.

I am
will ~ heart ~ ego ~ vitality ~ essential self
The Sun frequency is the centerpoint of consciousness called 'ego'. It's the core of self-identity and casts its light over the whole personality. The Sun indicates the early relationship to the father, the model for ego expression, and later to men in general (for males & females). Planets in aspect to the Sun are prominent in the personality and planets conjunct the Sun merge with the ego. The sign the Sun occupies infuses it with elemental color & style.

I feel
emotion ~ intuition ~ instinct ~ habits ~ memory ~ bodily function
The Moon frequency is the seat of emotions, intuition and instinct. Planets conjunct the Moon merge with the emotions and are pronounced in the personality (for example, Moon conjunct Mars is assertive physically & emotionally) All aspects to the Moon indicate the early relationship to the mother figure, the model for emotions & instinct, and later to women in general. The sign the Moon occupies infuses it with elemental color & style.

I think
intellect ~ reason ~ discernment ~ perception ~ communication
Mercury is the frequency of reason, logic, discernment and articulation. Mercury is never more than one sign from the Sun and when they share the same sign there's a singular focus of ego and intellect. Aspects to Mercury enhance or inhibit mental perceptions and verbal expression. And the sign Mercury occupies infuses the mind with elemental color & style.

I desire
desire ~ magnetism ~ creative/procreative ~ attractiveness ~ charm
Venus is desire & magnetism, receptivity & romance and the longing for an ideal. Lovers may come and go, but creative self-expression is yours forever and keeps the fruits of Venus sweet, with no extra pounds or morning regrets. Planets in aspect to Venus enhance or inhibit its beautiful light and the sign Venus occupies infuses the desire frequency with elemental color & style.

I assert
drive ~ assertion ~ physical/sexual strength ~ force ~ competition
Mars is the frequency of physical and sexual expression. It makes love & war and whatever else involves the physical assertion of energy. Bodily motion is Mars in action. Planets in aspect to Mars feel its force for better & worse and in turn will affect Mars' vigor. The sign Mars occupies infuses the drive & assertion frequency with elemental color & style. (For example, the Aries drive is fiery & forceful, the Taurus drive is slow & deliberate)

I expand
expansion ~ aspiration ~ joy/faith ~ optimism ~ generosity ~ understanding
Jupiter is aspiration, optimism, joy and the spirit of generosity. Jupiter seeks knowledge, truth, adventure and expansion and in aspect to other planets lends all these dynamics. The only real downside may be to overdo it a bit.

I restrict
contraction ~ discipline ~ doubt/fear ~ purpose ~ effort ~ temperance
Saturn is the inner critic frequency and brings ruthless self-analysis. In its highest expression it inspires you to overcome your perceived shortcomings. Saturn is the keeper & reaper of past actions (or inactions), whether you remember them or not. And every seven years the infamous Saturn cycle demands that you dismantle any self-made obstacles; or you can spray them with defeatist graffiti as a monument to failure. Always a choice. Planets in aspect to Saturn feel its demands for growth and the sign Saturn occupies subtly infuses it with elemental color & style.

I expose
divine mind ~ ingenuity ~ independence ~ revelation ~ [r]evolution
Uranus is the divine mind that gives rise to revelation and [r]evolution. Uranus is the genius frequency common in Big Thinkers and jolts with sudden insight. Uranus spects to other frequencies cause a disruption in their nature that creates progress and evoluion or wreaks havoc and chaos. It's a choice but it's unconscious until you learn to recognize it and rein it in. And the sign Uranus occupies subtly infuses it with elemental color & style.

I inspire
divine spirit ~ inspiration ~ escapism ~ divination ~ transcendance
Neptune is the frequency of divine insight, soaring imagination and transcendence. Neptune is the small 'c' creator that inspires artists & healers. Music is Neptune-in-action and awakens the spirit that longs to return Home. Escapism is the dark side of Neptune, through any shortcut to Paradise, where you can lose your way as the real world falls to ruin. Planets in aspect to Neptune are touched by its magic, but the challenging aspects especially need a firm rein to avoid seductive illusions. The sign Neptune occupies subtly infuses it with elemental color & style.

I transform
divine will ~ insight ~ regeneration/degeneration ~ transformation
Pluto is divine will and transformative empowerment. It's the mythical Phoenix frequency, the will to rise from the ashes and begin anew. Pluto is explosively intense and purposeful and never easy, but always effective. Pluto in aspect to the Sun or Moon indicate a deep sense of powerlessness in early childhood that grows into a determination to become master of your destiny or die trying. Pluto has profound creative and destructive power and the sign it occupies subtly infuses it with elemental color & style.

You'll come to recognize these patterns in time:

at Cafe Astrology

The minor aspects often reinforce the major aspects. Nearly all are generally overlooked, but that may change in time. I calculated my own only recently and now know my Saturn aspects every planet. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

The 12 signs bring elemental characteristics to the planetary frequencies.
The sign characteristics are most pronounced through the conscious planets, and generally much subtler through the subconscious & unconscious planets.
Calculate your birth chart

impulsive ~ headstrong ~ independent
[CARDINAL FIRE] The first sign of the zodiac expects to be first in all things. And no matter how timid Aries the Ram may seem, you'll see their Mars temperament soon enough. Aries' enthusiasm is contagious and they project their fiery spirit into every possible circumstance, for better and worser.
(opposite sign: LIBRA; CARDINAL AIR)

nurturing ~ sensual ~ loyal
[FIXED EARTH] Taurus are nurturers and lovers of luxury, beauty, comfort and tranquility. Ruled by Earth [Venus' twin!], no one works harder for their fruits than Taurus. The Bull is patient, steadfast and reliable and calms the spirits of more restless souls, a lot like nature does on Taurus' ruling planet.
(opposite sign: SCORPIO; FIXED WATER)

communicative ~ mercurial ~ highstrung
[MUTABLE AIR] Mercury is the winged messenger and Gemini's ruling planet, who talks to everyone about anything. Geminis interact, inform and gossip and hold their audience in thrall. But the Twins can be a little changeable, so don't try to pin them down to what they said before. Just enjoy the ride and don't take anything personally. It's just a good story.

sensitive ~ moody ~ nurturing
[CARDINAL WATER] Moon-ruled Cancer is either clinging to the wall or entertaining a crowd with a loony story, it all just depends on their mood. Their emotions are as changeable as the lunar phases and they're as helpless to control them as the tides. And they'd rather be home than anywhere else.

strong-willed ~ creative ~ courageous
[FIXED FIRE] Sun-ruled Leo naturally assumes the world revolves around them. They're all heart and as courageous as they come, and roaring or purring, they live for their loved ones and incite the jackals' envy. And whatever life throws at them, Leo the Lion takes it all in stride.
(opposite sign: AQUARIUS; FIXED AIR)

analytical ~ practical ~ hard-working
[MUTABLE EARTH] The Wheatbearer's quiet grace and sensuality belie a steel
trap mind. Nothing goes unnoticed by their Spock-logical brains, grounded in psychic perceptions and common sense. Virgos listen and serve and tend to the needed things, and to sensitive Virgo, heaven is in the details.
(opposite sign: PISCES; MUTABLE WATER)

artistic ~ idealistic ~ charming
[CARDINAL AIR]Venus-ruled Libra matches Virgo in their charming demeanor
and seek tranquility to maintain their delicate equilibrium. Lovely Libra is symbolized by the Scales and it's hard to know what's true when you always see both sides. But Libra literally can't give up trying and attracts debates like a magnet, their combative opposite Aries' dream.
(opposite sign: ARIES; CARDINAL FIRE)

intense ~ private ~ passionate
[FIXED WATER] Pluto-ruled Scorpio has a piercing intensity and a drive to expose what's hidden. Knowledge is power and nothing is as it seems and Scorpio will prove it. Scorpio is symbolized by the stinging Scorpion and the divine Phoenix, who rises transformed from the ashes. And sexual union is 'ruled' by Scorpio because at its purest, it transforms the heart, soul & spirit. It's Heaven on Earth and still rare in our 'demon-haunted world'.
(opposite sign: TAURUS; FIXED EARTH)

philosophical ~ optimistic ~ adventuresome
[MUTABLE FIRE] The Jupiter-ruled Archer is the adventurer of the zodiac, compelled to learn, explore and expand. Fiery Sagittarian spirits ignite their surroundings and although they're brutally candid, they mean only the best. The Archer's arrows pierce to the heart of things to enlighten and uplift.
(opposite sign: GEMINI; MUTABLE AIR)

ambitious ~ determined ~ competitive
[CARDINAL EARTH] The Saturn-ruled Sea-Got is born to ascend a mountain no one else can see. They're determined to accomplish their goals and at their best, no one is more reliable. And Capricorn becomes younger in spirit as time passes and finally stop their climb to smell the flowers they probably planted.
(opposite sign: CANCER; CARDINAL WATER)

inventive ~ rebellious ~ independent
[FIXED AIR] Aquarius is the Waterbearer of revelation and change. Uranian spirits can't be held back or tied down and their steely will is matched only by their opposite sign, Leo. Aquarius is humanitarian to the core and sees the Big Picture that drives them to assist in the evolution of humanity.
(opposite sign: LEO; FIXED FIRE)

imaginative ~ intuitive ~ sensitive
[MUTABLE WATER] Neptune-ruled Pisces are dreamers who swim in the sea of inspiration. divine symbol is the Fish and their sensitivity absorbs their surroundings like a sea sponge. It's said they contain the qualities of all 12 signs and their empathy is unmatched. Pisces is a born romantic and visionary and so close to the source of all our dreams.
(opposite sign: VIRGO; MUTABLE EARTH)

Last, but not least...

Once you're comfortably familiar with the Planets, Aspects & Signs, you're ready to sound them out on a BirthPrint. So on page four we dissect some famous psyches to get the inside scoop and the hang of birth chart analysis. Page four is still a work-in-progress, so please check back soon.

And if you're already probing your favorite somebodies,
here's a keyword list of 260 aspect blends to help you along...

that's what she said

Next p4: Probing Famous Brains