
The great mathematician Archimedes praised and utilized 'astrologos'. Astrology is rooted in mathematics and both systems are curiously similar. Each system enables you to learn only the basics and do just fine; or go as deep as you please and where few dare to tread. And every step illuminates. How many other systems work like that?
The luminaries are called planets for brevity

the woo-woo realm

So we all use basic math to structure our lives or chaos would reign.
But so few of us use any astrology that chaos is pouring psychologically.
And pills & religion don't quite cut it. We need the return of practical wisdom. Why did it leave in the first place?

Astrologos was a heavenly blend of science and spirit and utilized for eons.
It challenged Church doctrine, but vilifying it failed to do it in. Yet when it threatened the new materialism called the Scientific Revolution, the blend had to end. And the divorce of science and spirit was the sad fractured result.

Astrologos is now basically forgotten, replaced by astronomy and astrology and you'd swear they were never together.


Both track celestial cycles, but only astrologers still track their effects on life. And astronomers, scientists, academics and the Church are aligned to mock and vilify astrology. And nothing kills inquiry like ridicule, when censorship isn't an option. The power of ridicule compels you to keep your distance.

Rules for Radicals #5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

So if you don't snicker and crack your nose with your knee when you hear ASTROLOGY, you're one of the fearless, free-thinking few. Cool.

In fact, everyone who's tried to disprove astrology has ended up utiizing it. Professionals Like statistician Michel Gauquelin and physicist Percy Seymour
and many others. But it's safer not to Question Authority, if you don't mind
a caged mind. Uncool.

NASA's finally admitted what they once insisted could not be: each planet emits unique frequencies that do reach Earth and everything on it...

"Stars, Planets and Galaxies all emit Electromagnetic Waves...Telescopes are built to be sensitive to different sections of the Electromagnetic Spectrum." ~ ESA/HUBBLE

Now the causal nature of astrology is finally, essentially, officially confirmed. But I won't hold my carbon until NASA admits that.

A lot of astrologers still color inside the lines and believe astrology operates through synchronicity or meaningful coincidence. But the truth will fully come to light soon enough. The Age of Aquarius is the age of eXposure.

And why be surprised that the first science produced the first computer?

Compare this seven thousand year old carving of a Sumerian contraption to the two thousand year old bronze Antikythera Mechanism and tell me they're not related...

It seems the present is finally catching up with the past.

But why has so much ancient wisdom become privileged knowledge or been ridiculed into irrelevance? Materialism denies the spirit that animates all life and worships all that withers and dies. It's a deadening paradigm we should refuse to conform to.

Archimedes called it
ASTRO LOGOS: 'the rational principle that governs and develops the universe and pertains to the celestial bodies.' Yeshua called it ASTRO LOGIA, the same definition with logia from the Greek 'logos'.

Astrologos/Astrologia was changed by an unknown ass clown to ASTRO LOGY: "sluggish and dull and pertaining to the celestial bodies." And a divinely explicit definition became a subliminally belittling one. Clever devils.

When you think astrology, the signs may come to mind, but the planets bring the signs to life. As they pass through the 'houses' of the zodiac, the planets absorb and project the elemental qualities that shape the material world - fire, earth, air & water.

The planets are the only tangible component of astrology and if our arms were long enough we could reach out and touch them. And we do feel them, especially once a month when the Full Moon messes with us all. And she never takes a break, zipping around all hours of the day & night like she's on crack.

The Moon moves 12° a day and leaves all the other planets in the space dust. And she rules the tides and our feelings and she rarely lets up on us. And we sure can't avoid her, but we should keep an eye on her and react accordingly. Not sure about the werewolves.

(Conduits transmit frequencies, soundwaves, etc)
Conduits called aspects connect, blend and modify the planetary frequencies. And the one aspect we all know is the aforementioned monthly performance of the Sun and Moon, when they do their opposition dance and things get a little loony.

Energy is never still. It's like an infinite, predictable, electrified kaleidoscope. But consciousness is unpredictable, so thank heavens for planetary guidance. Our cosmic GPS.

10 PLANETS: electromagnetic frequencies of mind & matter
6 ASPECTS: dynamic conduits that connect & modify the frequencies.
12 SIGNS: human qualities that add elemental color to the frequencies.
(the luminaries are also called planets for brevity)

Planetary frequencies electrify our world as they travel through the zodiac, connected by aspects in elemental hues. Planets, Aspects & Signs form a divine, three-part system that operates like a finely-tuned machine.
And consciousness hitches a ride.

Consciousness passes from energy into matter (mother) and forms a soul.
In the moment of the first breath, the soul is imprinted with the celestial dynamics above. Your electromagnetic DNA. Welcome to planet Earth!
Carl Jung's 3 Levels of Consciousness

Geneticists have combed through decades of data for patterns that define human character & behavior and they finally found the leadership gene. Astrologers have combed through eons of data for patterns that define
human character & behavior and there are none they haven't found.

map section of the human genetic code

"The planets are power transmitters of frequencies measured in Hertz... humans are tuned to the nine planet frequencies...our DNA coils are receivers [of] electromagnetic energy. DNA reads frequencies [and]
is dictated by the frequencies of our planets."

The Science Behind Astrology

The celestial energy system is everywhere, in every thing and everyone...


Many minds through time have praised and utilized astrology...

"Astrology [is] the noblest of sciences."

Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Men should take their knowledge from the Sun, the Moon and the Stars."

"Heaven sends down its good and evil symbols and wise men act accordingly."

"Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it, and having seen it, to find one in himself."

D.H. Lawrence
"We need not feel ashamed of flirting with the zodiac. The zodiac is well worth flirting with."

Sir Walter Scott
"Do not Christians and Heathens, Jews and Gentiles, poets and philosophers, unite in allowing the starry influences?"

Astrology compels the soul to look upward and leads us from this world to another."

"These auspicious aspects, which the astrologers subsequently interpreted for me, may have been the causes of my preservation."

Johannes Kepler
"An unfailing experience of mundane events in harmony with the changes
occurring in the heavens, has instructed and compelled my unwilling belief."

Sri Yuktswar Giri
"A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma."

Benjamin Franklin
"Oh the wonderful knowledge to be found in the stars. Even the smallest things are written there... if you had but skill to read."

Louis Pasteur
"The controls of life are structured as forms and nuclear arrangements,
in relation with the motions of the universe."

Sir Francis Bacon
"The natures and dispositions of men are, not without truth,
distinguished from the predominance of the planets."

"A physician without a knowledge of Astrology has no right
to call himself a physician."

J.P. Morgan
"Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire
you need an astrologer."

Carl Sagan
"If our lives are controlled by traffic signals in the sky,
why try to change anything?"

Sir Thomas Aquinas
"The celestial Bodies are the Cause of All that takes
place in the Sublunar World."

Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Astrology is astronomy brought down to Earth and
applied toward the affairs of men."

Theodore Roosevelt
"I always keep my weather eye on the opposition of
my seventh house Moon to my first house Mars."

J.P. Morgan
"Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do."

William Blake
"The Vegetative Universe, opens like a flower from the Earth's center In which is Eternity. It expands from Stars to the Mundane Shell. And there it meets Eternity again, both within and without."

T.H. Huxley
"The question of all questions for humanity, the problem which lies behind all others and is more interesting than any of them, is that of the determination of man's place in nature and his relation to the cosmos."

Carl Sagan
"That we can now think of no mechanism for astrology is relevant but unconvincing. No mechanism was known, for example, for continental drift when it was proposed by Wegener. Nevertheless, we see that Wegener was right, and those who objected on the grounds of unavailable mechanism
were wrong."

"To understand correctly the meaning of the words Alchemy and Astrology,
it is necessary to understand and to realize the intimate relationship and identity of the Microcosm and Macrocosm, and their mutual interaction."

Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Astrology interested us, for it tied men to the system. Instead of an isolated beggar, the farthest star felt him and he felt the star. However rash and however falsified by pretenders and traders in it, the hint was true and divine, the soul's avowal of its large relations and that climate, century, remote natures as well as near, are part of its biography."

Benjamin Franklin as Richard Saunders
"Courteous Reader, Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the Wise and the Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight in Battle, in short, no important affair was undertaken without first consulting an Astrologer."
[preface to 1751 Poor Richard's Almanac]

Next p2: Analytical Psychology