The Galaxy Being
3 Electrified Minds
The Fab Four Forces
Everything Is Connected
What About Christianity?
Macrocosm & Microcosm

A hundred years ago, quantum physicist Niels Bohr asserted that the atom
and solar system have an identical form. So what about their function?
If the atom is nature's building block, is the solar system, too?
Did Bohr confirm astrology? I guess he didn't say.

Physicist Max Planck was another deep thinker with a similar viewpoint....


And Paracelsus expanded on the subject over 300 years earlier...

And Dr. Bohr imagined life as a kind of collective, holographic dream...

row row row your boat...

Einstein had his moments, too...

And he and Bohr sometimes wandered the woo-woo realms together.

But today's celebrity scientist sets us straight about the true nature of reality:

"Come on, man. The atom and solar system are like, totally different.
And I feel like a girl today."

Astrologers and quantum physicists agree on one thing: Everything is energy. Astrologers have known it for eons and scientists are finally catching up sort of. They call it their 'theory of everything' and it consists of Four Forces:
Gravity, Strong Force, Weak Force & Electromagnetism.

They function as follows sort of...

is the most celebrated of the fab four and gets most of the attention.
But it has a shallow reach and sometimes it's a real drag.

toil obscurely to hold the manifest world together.
Without them there'd be no way to Let It Be.

But the real star of the fab four is...

It goes on and on across the universe, possessing and caressing us
in an infinite, supercharged embrace.

And all four Come Together to play in the ultimate transmitter & receiver:

In 1939, Ukranian engineer Semyon Kirlian devised a method to photograph the energy field within and around everything, like this penny for your thoughts...

Robert O. Becker, MD was a pioneer in the field of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in all living systems. His work expanded
into many areas, most notably the healing arts. In 1998 he wrote the classic bestseller The Body Electric.

David Wilcock is a philosophr, lecturer, investigator and best-selling author of over a dozen books. In 2013 he wrote the bestseller The Synchronicity Key.,
an astounding collection of scientific evidence of the supernatural. And it includes the shocker that DNA consists of shifting photons of light.
Millions are convinced that David Wilcock was Edgar Cayce.

DW coined 'hopium' and later lost his way. Happens to the best of us

Geneticists have combed through decades of data for patterns that define human character & behavior, and they finally found the leadership gene! Astrologers have combed through eons of data for patterns that define
human character & behavior, and there are none they haven't found.

map section of the human genetic code

"The planets are power transmitters of frequencies measured in Hertz... humans are tuned to the nine planet frequencies...our DNA coils are receivers [of] electromagnetic energy. DNA reads frequencies [and]
is dictated by the frequencies of our planets."

The Science Behind Astrology

The celestial energy system is everywhere, everyone and every thing...



1st Episode of The Outer Limits 1963

Some choice tv in the early 60s put our collective evolution on the fast track, but the ride didn't last long. I wonder who derailed it?

church, state & hollywood sittin' in a tree, p-l-o-t-t-i-n-g.

Fearless bible scholars wonder what didn't make the final cut. Did the bible really reach the flock intact and help alleviate fear and superstition?

Jesus reportedly spent
17 years in India and returned with knowledge of reincarnation and astrologia, to free his people from ignorance and fear.
But both doctrines were forbidden and are still vilified by The Church.

The Three Wisemen were astrologers who predicted Jesus' blessed arrival.
Isn't that a good thing? Why vilify their profession and scare christians away?

And if GOD Created the heavens, how can its guidance be evil?
Or is it evil to vilify divine guidance and perpetuate superstitious fear?

Original sin became the cornerstone of Christianity in AD 325, when
it was inserted by Emperor Constantine at the First Council of Nicaea.
But shame, guilt, fear and obedience are the will of man, not GOD.

coneheads at the first council of nicaea, circa AD 325

Gnostic Cosmology
"Jesus [...] was sent from the pleroma, with whose aid humanity
can recover the lost knowledge of the divine origins of humanity."

Jesus said "Be ye therefore perfect." But that's impossible in one lifetime,
or even 100, and some chronic eff-ups need 100,000 lifetimes. So, are the painful conditions most are born into karmic, or does a capricious GOD just play favorites? If so, S/He clearly dislikes most of us. Is GOD a globalist?

Jesuits & Astrology
"Historians have long neglected the important relationship between the Society of Jesus and astrology...[T]his article...highlights the many ways
in which astrology was an important part of Jesuit scientific endeavors."


Reincarnation and Astrology in the 'Lord's Prayer?

Early Christianity and Ancient Astrology

Decisive evidence of reincarnation

Maybe one day scientists, shrinks & preachers will come to know what astrologers have always known, and Jesus, too, that we have a heavenly instruction manual, Courtesy of the Creator. Just look up.

Next p6:
Antikythera Mechanism