Astrologers and quantum physicists agree on one thing: Everything is energy. Astrologers have known it for eons and scientists are finally catching up sort of. They call it their 'theory of everything' and say it consists of Four Forces:
Gravity, Strong Force, Weak Force & Electromagnetism.

They function as follows sort of...

It's the most celebrated of the fab four and gets most of the attention.
But it has a shallow reach and sometimes it's a real drag.

They toil together obscurely to hold the manifest world together.
Without them there'd be no way to Let It Be.

But the real star of the fab four is...

It goes on and on across the universe, possessing and caressing us
in an infinite, supercharged embrace.

And all four Come Together to play in the ultimate transmitter & receiver:

A hundred years ago, quantum physicist Niels Bohr declared that the atom
and solar system share an identical form. So what about their function?
If the atom is 'nature's building block', did Bohr affirm astrology?

Max Planck agreed with Bohr, or Bohr agreed with Planck...

And Paracelsus was way ahead of them both...

And Trismegistus beat them all...

So today's celebrity scientist sets everybody straight...

"Come on, man. The atom and solar system are like, totally different.
And I feel like a girl today."

Dr. Bohr imagined human consciousness as a kind of holographic dream...

row row row your boat gently down the stream...

Einstein advanced materialist science, but he and Bohr sometimes wandered the woo-woo realms together...

In 1939, Ukranian engineer Semyon Kirlian began to photograph the energy field around everything, even this penny for your thoughts...

Robert O. Becker, MD was a pioneer in the field of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in all living systems. His work expanded
into many areas, most notably the healing arts. In 1998 he wrote the classic bestseller The Body Electric.


"We're in one of the shifts of ages, a shift into the Age of Aquarius...

We live in the aether, from which the matterium is created. The aether is essentially a fluid that fills the matterium and helps provide the backing for matter. The aether is specifically a medium through which stuff flows in a predictable fluid-like fashion. And of course great forces are composed, in a very complex fashion, of smaller forces, each doing their own thing and in so doing, also contributing to the larger mass and chaos that ensues."
~ Clif High, creator of the Web Bot Project July 2024

Well that's different.

"Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere
of external influence extends to infinite distance. There is no constellation or nebula, no sun or planet, in all the depths of limitless space, no passing wanderer of the starry heaven, that does not exercise some control over its destiny, not in the vague and delusive sense of astrology, but in the rigid and positive meaning of physical science."


1st Episode of The Outer Limits 1963

In the early 60s, mind-expanding 'woo' tv shows like The Outer Limits, Twilight Zone & One Step Beyond put our collective evolution on the fast track, and children absorbed it all. But the ride didn't last long. They were soon replaced with magical clunkers like Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. Wonder who derailed us.

Fearless bible scholars wonder what didn't make the final cut. Why would the dictators of spiritual reality relinquish their power by allowing true gnosis to reach the flock?

The bible is silent on the
17 years Jesus spent in India, when he returned with ancient divine knowledge to free his people from enforced ignorance. And the doctrines of reincarnation and astrologia were his central teachings. But only enough fragments of both remain in the bible for plausible deniability, so the Church denies them. Why? That's a crooked letter. Don't be an Eve. Too much curiosity ruined paradise.

The Three Wisemen were astrologers who predicted Jesus' arrival during the conjunction of Venus & Jupiter. So why does the Church vilify their profession and frighten the faithful away? And the Creator Created the heavenly bodies, so how can their guidance be evil?

Or is it evil to vilify heavenly guidance and perpetuate superstitious fear?

coneheads at the first council of nicaea, circa AD 325

At the Council of Nicaea in AD 325, Emperor Constantine cast out the divine law of reincarnation and made 'original sin' the cornerstone of Christianity.
Original sin provokes shame, fear and subjugation, the will of man, not God. Jesus said we're born imperfect; he did not say we're born in sin.

IMPERFECTION: "flawed in form, structure, or function"
SIN: "an offense against moral law; highly reprehensible"

And if we each live only one life, why are our lives so grotesquely unequal? Does God play favorites? Why does God's Will seem so wholly capricious?

And how can we be born in sin if we've never lived before? "God works in mysterious ways"? The only mystery is how that's an acceptable answer.
Ready-made for questions that threaten to muddy the holy waters.

The Elohim were extraterrestrial invaders, some woo bible scholars say

Jesus said: "Be ye therefore perfect." But perfection is impossible in only
one lifetime, or 100 or 100,000 or even a million for some slow learners.

Jesus didn't gaslight his students, he taught them the law of reincarnation. And he revealed an intriguing example: he was the reincarnation of Adam. And his final role was teacher, not savior, before he was forced back Home. Dead men don't tell truths. And the two most fundamental truths he taught are still hidden in plain sight to this day. And it's really frustrating.

'Of the 90 times Jesus is directly addressed in the Gospels, 60 of those times he's called 'Teacher', by himself, his disciples and the crowds.' ~ AI Overview

And speaking of hidden truths, and with all due respect to christians, the Founding Fathers actually modeled the U.S. Constitution on the Native American Great Law of Peace of 1142.

The Great Law, Gayanashagowa, does share a few fundamental elements with Christianity. And the Founding Fathers recognized it as the most perfect law of liberty in recorded history. Way cooler than the Greeks' and Romans' views. And a little hippy-dippy.

The one primaary difference between the Great Law of Peace and the U.S. Constitution is that the latter excluded females, plants and animals.

A quick read on the Great Law

And not for nothing, but the peaceful native peoples of North America were slaughtered in the name of christian values. And their surviving children were sent for reprogramming in 'praying villages'. Just keeping it real.

"Historians have long neglected the important relationship between the Society of Jesus and astrology...[T]his article...highlights the many ways
in which astrology was an important part of Jesuit scientific endeavors."

Superstitious christians eye me with suspicion and pity like I'm an unwitting pawn of satan. But astrology is grounded in divine truth, yet the Church scares the faithful away. And no one should ever forget or forgive the unspeakable harm to God's children by the Church and you can't tell me it's not satanic.

My point is, it seems like unconscious projection. And it's wicked annoying.

But we all love Jesus. And he opposed organized religion.

"Jesus [...] was sent from the pleroma, with whose aid humanity
can recover the lost knowledge of the divine origins of humanity."
~ Gnostic Cosmology

If the west would only ecognize reincarnation as natural law, even the most self-serving souls would act more responsibly, if only to protect and advance their own future lives.

Knowledge of reincarnation and astrology expands awareness of free will within a divine mathematical system and greatly relieves the fear of death. Because we all get out alive. Otherwise, what's the point? Fertilizer?

Proof of Reincarnation

Reincarnation & Astrology in the Lord's Prayer?

Astrologia: The Four Astrological Facets of Jesus

Early Christianity & Ancient Astrology

One day, scientists, shrinks & preachers may come to know what astrologers have always known, that everyone gets a heavenly instruction manual, Courtesy of the Creator. Just look up.

And anyway, 'it's just a ride'

Next p6:
Antikythera Mechanism