A hundred years ago, quantum physicist Niels Bohr concluded that the atom and solar system have an identical form. So what about their function? If the atom is nature's building block, did Bohr confirm astrology? Dr. Bohr imagined life as a kind of collective, holographic dream...
He and Einstein sometimes wandered the woo realms together.
And Planck agreed with Bohr, or Bohr agreed with Planck...
And Paracelsus was way ahead of them both...
And Trismegistus beat them all... |
KIRLIAN PHOTOGRAPHY In 1939, Ukranian engineer Semyon Kirlian began to photograph the energy field around everything, even this penny for your thoughts...
The future is about options |
The celestial energy system is everywhere, everyone and every thing... DNA + EGYPTIAN CADUCEUS + CHAKRA SYSTEM + CNS + SEPHIROTH + MUSIC OF THE SPHERES + BACON
map section of the human genetic code "The planets are power transmitters of frequencies measured in Hertz... humans are tuned to the nine planet frequencies...our DNA coils are receivers [of] electromagnetic energy. DNA reads frequencies [and] is dictated by the frequencies of our planets." The Science Behind Astrology medium.com |
: 1st Episode of The Outer Limits 1963 A few tv shows in the early 60s put our collective evolution on the fast track, but the ride didn't last long. Wonder who derailed it. It's said Jesus spent his '17 missing years' in India and returned with knowledge to free his people from ignorance and fear. The bible still contains compelling evidence that Astrologia and reincarnation were central doctrines Jesus taught, both forbidden by the religious establishment, then and now. Gnostic Cosmology "Jesus [...] was sent from the pleroma, with whose aid humanity can recover the lost knowledge of the divine origins of humanity." The Magi or Three Wisemen used the astrological conjunction of Venus and Jupiter, the Star of Bethlehem, to predict Jesus' arrival. Isn't that a good thing? So, why does the Church vilify astrology and scare the flock away? The Creator Created the heavens, so how can its guidance be evil? Or is it evil to vilify divine guidance and perpetuate superstitious fear? y coneheads at the first council of nicaea, circa AD 325 At the First Council of Nicaea in AD 325, Emperor Constantine made original sin the cornerstone of Christianity and there's nothing divine about it. Shame, guilt and fear is the will of man, not God. And not Jesus. Jesus said "Be ye therefore perfect." But perfection is impossible to attain in one lifetime, or 100 or 100,000 for some of us. Was Jesus making impossible demands, or teaching the divine law of reincarnation? That we're eternally accountable for our actions, so even the most self-servng souls take heed. This is only way to achieve perfection.< Or does a capricious God determine that each soul lives ONE life and only a few live in style and the rest get the shaft? And if we each live only one life, that's QUADRILLIONS of souls and counting. And if you're perplexed by these nonsensical principles, you're told 'God works in mysterious ways.' And during this ONE life, if you don't pledge allegiance to Jesus, you're doomed to eternal hell. Must be awfully crowded. Whose rule is that, really? It doesn't sound like Jesus, more like a power hungry cult using his name. And the Church coulda woulda shoulda been a mighty force against the evil of the State, but 501C3 essentially gives control of the Church to the State. So there is no separation, only greed and authoritarianism on both ends and the flock stuck in the middle, blinded by fear and inversion. And Jesus opposed organized religion, yet the most powerful is in his name, symbolized by the the torture device he died on. And Jesus preached gnosis, but don't be curious like Eve and ruin things for everyone. Ignorance is bliss.
After half a century of superstitious christians warning me against astrology,
Imo, religion is a control system for the spirit, like an omnipotent parent using shame and fear to provoke obedience. I guess some people believe they need the fear of punishment to know and do what's good and right. No judgment. No wonder the Church 86'd the doctrine of reincarnation. It's competition
One day, scientists, shrinks & preachers may come to know what astrologers have always known, and Jesus, too; that everyone gets a heavenly instruction manual, Courtesy of the Creator. Just look up. |