Psychology is soul logic and a birth chart is the users manual.
And you only need to know 3 essential basics to read it:

10 PLANETS: The celestial frequencies of mind & matter
6 ASPECTS: The conduits that direct & modify the frequencies.
12 SIGNS: The prism of elemental color that tints the frequencies.
(the luminaries are called planets for brevity)

Your psyche operates through an exquisite tangle of frequencies, programmed in your first breath. It's your electromagnetic DNA and the one sure way to know yourself. And though you're intimate with your inner landscape, it's
still a mystery, so the best thing about astrology is, everyone gets a map.

There's nothing like an analogy to imagine the unfamiliar,
so here are three...

Imagine your mind is a symphony. . .

PLANETS are the notes
ASPECTS are their arrangements
SIGNS are the instruments

Or a temple...

PLANETS are the building materials
ASPECTS are the architecture
SIGNS are the color scheme

Or a tome...

The 10 Planets, 6 Aspects & 12 Signs are the 28 letters of the soul.
Once committed to memory, like a five year old learns to read,
you can begin to sound out any birth chart like an open book.

A quick keyword overview of the Planets, Aspects & Signs...

[the luminaries are called planets for brevity]

All psyches operate with all 10 PLANETS and specific ASPECTS & SIGNS.
PLANETS are blended and colorized by ASPECTS & SIGNS

Planets and Signs are clearly defined and everyone knows what they are,
but aspects are vaguely defined and few have a clue to their vital function.
So here's one...we all know the polarizing effects of the full moon, but not many know it's an opposition aspect and the most visible display of astrology.


Aspects are conduits that transmit & direct planetary frequencies.
CONDUITS: "transmission of information or electricity."
Planets, Conduits & Signs. It flows.

Astrology is grounded in mathematics and both systems are uniquely similar. Each enables you to learn only the basics and do just fine, or go deep into the woo-woo realms, where few dare to tread.

So, we all use basic math and chaos would totally reign without it. But
few of us use any astrology and chaos is basically pouring, psychologically.
And pills and religion are not the answer. We need some practical wisdom.

And once you know the Planets, Aspects & Signs., you can coast on the surface or go as deep as you please, because every stroke is illuminating.

If you're wondering why I haven't mentioned the ascendant, it's because it requires an exact birth time to calculate, which many people don't know, even some who think they do.

The ascendant is the sign on the horizon at birth, also called the rising sign.
It represents the persona you present to the world and may compliment, cloak or frustrate your planetary frequencies.

The exact birth time also determines what houses your planets occupy on
the 12 House Wheel of Life and indicate what areas of life you're most focused on in this lifetime.

The ascendant and planet/house placements are illuminating, but only
the Planets, Aspects & Signs are essential. No exact birth time needed.

Moon's nodes denote your emotional life path. The north node denotes the path you're moving into and the south node denotes the path you're moving beyond. They're in opposition and do a dance to find balance. Calculate your birth chart and nodes at ALABE.

and specific Aspects & Signs

Nothing beats seeing your inner landscape confirmed on a birth chart.
But the lines & glyphs are initially perplexing, so I designed the BirthPrint
to bring the Planets, Aspects & Signs alive with meaning for everyone.

And while astrologers can only speculate on your planetary dynamics, you have the full benefit of your life experience to know what's more likely.

And if you prefer the guidance of a professional astrologer, knowing the Planets, Aspects & Signs will sharpen your questions and deepen your insights.

BirthPrints are calculated with or without an exact birth time;
NATAL BirthPrint with, or SOLAR BirthPrint without.

"There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man
cross over the sea of life."
~ Varahamihira

We're immersed in an ocean of electromagnetism,
so who wouldn't want a map?

PLANETS: Psychological frequencies
ASPECTS: Conduits that modify the frequencies
SIGNS: Elements that color the frequencies

PLANETS: Psychological frequencies of each person
ASPECTS: Conduits that connect their frequencies - 'chemistry'
SIGNS: Elements that color and flavor their chemistry

PLANETS: Transiting frequencies above to stationary frequencies within
ASPECTS: Conduits that connect frequencies above to within: forecasting
SIGNS: Elements above that harmonize with or agitate the elements within

i'm so accident-prone a minor distraction will probably kill me. So I chose
a placid celestial moment to buy a set of dishes. One year later and no breakage. Everything is energy and astrology is the users manual.


An eternal spirit who chooses to live through countless lifetimes
in endlessly challenging circumstances. Why is anyone's guess.

And each new you brings a brand new perspective
to view the world as the world views you.

and specific Aspects & Signs

Reading your first planetary aspect is sort of like the 'A-HA!' moment
when you sounded out your first word. And just like reading,
the deeper you go, the more interesting it gets.

As Above, So Within

The average human mind is 90% unconscious. YIKES. But we all have windows into the murky depths, and a few of us have revolving doors. And all the openings are the result of aspects that connect our conscious planets
to our subconscious and unconscious planets.

Everyone is born with a few of these aspects and all of us experience them through time, from the subconscious & unconscious planets above to the conscious planets within, called 'transits'. And whether the windows and
doors open easy or hard, they always shed light where we need it.

We may experience our inner landscape as a whole, but at times we're acutely aware of its separate parts, like when the heart and head are in conflict. That's the Moon and Mercury in astro-lingo. And some of us are born that
way; for example when the Moon is square or opposite Mercury.

And once you're familiar with the Planets, Aspects & Signs, it's easy to begin to analyze your separate parts. A quick reminder...

A quick review...
10 PLANETS: The celestial frequencies of mind & matter
6 ASPECTS: Conduits that blend & modify the frequencies
12 SIGNS: A prism of elemental color that tints the frequencies

sun ~ moon ~ mercury ~ venus ~ mars

I am
will ~ heart ~ ego ~ vitality ~ essential self
The Sun is the centerpoint of consciousness we call 'ego'. It's the core of self-identity that casts its light over the whole personality. Planets in aspect to the Sun are prominent in the personality. And planets in conjunction to the Sun are the most prominent, merging with the self-identity. For example, Sun conjunct Venus infuses the ego with grace & charm; these souls know just what they want and how to get it. Aspects to the Sun indicate the early experience of father and shapes the self-identity. Childhood experiences in general shape the aspects' expression. You know your past, so knowing your aspects enables you to consciously lay new tracks if needed. Patterns of behavior can be altered. And the sign the Sun occupies shines its elemental color throughout the personality.

I feel
emotion ~ intuition ~ instinct ~ habits ~ memory ~ bodily function
The Moon is the seat of emotions, memory, intuition & instinct. Planets in aspect to the Moon influence they emotions and indicate the early maternal relationship, and later the relationships to females in general. For example, Moon opposite Pluto is a polarization between emotions and divine will, indicating an early power struggle with mother; this leads to a conscious determination to be your own emotional master, yet unconsciously attracts people or circumstances that challenge or oppose your emotional will. The outer landscape reflects the inner landscape, so conscious awareness of your aspects enables you consciously re-train troubling actions & reactions. Only a birth chart enables that level of insight. It's truly a gift from the heavens.

Well worth mentioning is that a man's feelings about his mother will be projected onto romantic relationships. Nothing goes deeper than the mother/child connection, and a birth chart can indicate the possibility of a troubled relationship, but it can only be confirmed from the son's own lips.
So listen carefully to how he speaks of his mother. Women with a troubled maternal relationship also bring it into their female relationships, though romantic connections are far more complex. The sign the Moon occupies
colors the emotions with elemental light.

I think
intellect ~ reason ~ discernment ~ perception ~ communication
Mercury is reason & logic, how you process your surroundings and organize & express your thoughts. Mercury is never more than one sign from the Sun and when they share the same sign it indicates a singular focus of ego & intellect. As with all the planets, aspects to Mercury enhance or inhibit its frequency. For example, Mercury in aspect to Jupiter expands & uplifts the mentality and the impulse to communicate, while Mercury in aspect to Neptune enriches the mentality with deep imagination. And Mercury in aspect to both is common in storytellers and, well, big fat liars. It's primarily based on early programming. And the sign Mercury occupies gives it elemental color.

I desire
desire ~ magnetism ~ creative/procreative ~ attractiveness ~ charm
Venus is the longing for an ideal. It's desire and attraction, receptivity and romance. And while lovers may come & go, creative self-expression is all yours. Creativity keeps the fruits of Venus sweet, with no aching hearts or morning regrets. And if your creation isn't what you imagined, it's a breeze to refine or work a compromise. Try that in a relationship with a full-on narcissist and all you'll create are more tears.

Venus' is the creative/procreative frequency and our biology directs most of us as young adults to seek the latter. It's often in the later years when loneliness may loom that creativity offers the deepest satisfaction. It's impossible to be lonely when you're being creative. And Venus & Neptune in aspect are the most potently creative, whether you were born with the aspect or a Neptune transit invites you to pursue a new creative avenue. All planets in aspect to Venus enhance or inhibit its beautiful light. And the sign Venus occupies gives it elemental color.

I assert
drive ~ assertion ~ physical/sexual strength ~ force ~ competition
Mars makes love & war & whatever else involves the willful assertion of energy. Bodily motion is Mars in action and aspects to Mars modify its physical & sexual drive & vice-versa. For example, Mars conjunct Moon lends force to the emotions, while the Moon softens Mars' edges. There are subtle differences depending on the aspect; for example: a Mars/Moon conjunction merges drive with emotions, while a Mars/Moon square agitates drive & emotions. Either way, drive & emotions are directly engaged. And Mars/Moon square souls are tightly wound balls of energy who may gravitate towards, and be very good at, competitive sports, dance or any organized expression of drive & emotion. All aspects between Mars & Moon heighten these tendencies, connecting Mars' pure drive with the Moon's emotions, intuition & bodily function. And the sign Mars occupies gives it elemental color.

jupiter ~ saturn

I expand
aspiration ~ joy/faith ~ optimism ~ expansion ~ generosity ~ understanding
Jupiter is aspiration, optimism, benevolence & faith. Jupiter in aspect to other planets lifts & expands their frequencies. Jupiter seeks knowledge, truth and understanding and awakens the adventurer within. A Jupiter aspect is generally a blessing whose only downside may be overenthusiasm. For example, Jupiter in aspect to Mercury makes an enthusiastic communicator, but nobody wants rolling eyes at the chatterbox, so watch your content & pacing. Jupiter & Saturn govern the subconscious and subconscious & unconscious planets influence conscious planets more significantly than the other way around. And the Signs' elemental colors are more prominent in the conscious planets. So the sign Jupiter occupies subtly colors its expression.

I restrict
discipline ~ doubt/fear ~ purpose ~ effort ~ temperance ~ contraction
Where Jupiter is benevolence, Saturn is tough love. The Inner Critic brings limitations, restrictions & ruthless self-analysis. Saturn brings a sense of lacking or doubt and at its best the determination to overcome it. Saturn is the Reaper of past actions or inactions, whether or not you remember what you sowed. And you can patiently dismantle the resulting obstacles or cover them with defeatist graffiti as a monument to failure. We're all free to see obstacles as opportunities, or not. All planets in aspect to Saturn acutely feel its contraction, and Mars may feel it the most - drive meets restriction. Every aspect to Saturn is an opportunity for growth. And the sign Saturn occupies subtly colors its expression.

uranus ~ neptune ~ pluto

I expose
divine mind ~ ingenuity ~ independence ~ revelation ~ [r]evolution
Uranus is the divine mind that gives rise to [r]evolution. It's Awareness with a capital A and the 'genius frequency' common in the charts of big thinkers. Uranus gets to the logical core and jolts with sudden revelation. Uranian types are ahead of their time and driven to disrupt the status quo. In its highest expression Uranus inspires collective progress and cause those who dwell in fear to recoil. In its lowest expression Uranus wreaks havoc & chaos and early experiences indicate the direction it's inclined to go. A prominent Uranus shatters crystallized perceptions one way or the other. And when resisted a bigger tsunami awaits. Change is inevitable and conscious awareness and direction obviously lead to the best results. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, the waterbearer of revelation & technology ushering in the new age. Uranus inspires inventors and entrepreneurs to think in new ways, because that's what Uranus is all about. And the sign it occupies subtly colors its expression.

I inspire
divine spirit ~ inspiration ~ escapism ~ divination ~ transcendance
Neptune is divine inspiration and soaring imagination and its Purpose is creative enlightenment & transcendence. Neptune is Creative with a capital C and the frequency of artists & healers. Music is its universal language and healing sound is Neptune-in-action. Neptune awakens the spirit that longs to return Home to Paradise. Drugs enable a seductive sneak peek, but some lose their way in pursuit of Nirvana and the 'real world' falls to ruin. Neptune's highest expression is creative self-expression that inspires artists, poets & healers to the benefit of humanity. Planets in aspect to Neptune are touched by its magic, so if your Neptune is in aspect to conscious planets, there's great potential to bring out its creative & healing magic. With the harder aspects [square, quincunx or opposition] beware of seductive deceptions, in others or yourself. Neptune & Pluto have been in a facilitative sextile for most of the last century - a collective opportunity to enlighten & transform humanity? The sign Neptune occupies subtly colors its expression.

I transform
divine will ~ insight ~ regeneration/degeneration ~ transformation
Pluto is divine will & insight and its Purpose is empowerment & transformation. Pluto is Power with a capital P and the mythical Phoenix energy, the will to rise from the ashes & begin again. Pluto is explosively intense and purposeful and never easy, but always effective. In aspect to conscious planets, Pluto lends a potent strength of will & emotional force that when unleashed can overwhelm, so temperance is key. Pluto in aspect to conscious planets, especially Sun or Moon, indicates a deep sense of powerlessness in childhood that grows into a determination to become master of your destiny, or die. Pluto has profound creative & destructive power and the sign it occupies subtly colors its expression.

CONJUNCTION: 0°: integrating; strengthening
[0°-9° orbs of influence]

SEXTILE: 60°: facilitating; energizing
[0°-6° orbs of influence]

SQUARE: 90°: agitative; frustrating
[0°-9° orbs of influence]

TRINE:120°: harmonizing; mellowing
[0°-9° orbs of influence]

QUINCUNX: 150°: discordant; stressful
[0°-2° orbs of influence]

OPPOSITION: 180°: polarizing; separative
[0°-9° orbs of influence]

You'll come to recognize these patterns in time:

at Cafe Astrology

The 6 minor aspects generally reinforce the 6 major aspects. Apart from the semi-square, the minor aspects are usually overlooked and most programs don't include them. They have 0°-2° orb of influence.

The 12 signs bring elemental character to the planetary frequencies.
The signs are most pronounced through the conscious frequencies.
Calculate your birth chart

impulsive ~ headstrong ~ independent
[CARDINAL FIRE] The first sign of the zodiac expects to be first in all things. And no matter how timid Aries the Ram may seem, you'll see their Mars temperament soon enough. Aries' enthusiasm is contagious and they project their fiery spirit into every possible circumstance.
(opposite sign: LIBRA)

nurturing ~ sensual ~ loyal
[FIXED EARTH] Taurus are nurturers and lovers of beauty, comfort & tranquility. Ruled by Earth [Venus' twin!], no one works harder for their fruits than Taurus. And the Bull is patient, steadfast & reliable, which some call 'stubborn'. Taurus calms the minds of restless souls, so like their ruling planet.
[The original glyph for Earth was the Venus glyph in reverse;s why was it changed?]
(opposite sign: SCORPIO)

communicative ~ mercurial ~ highstrung
[MUTABLE AIR] To spot a Gemini in the crowd, look who's talking to everyone about anything. Mercury, 'the winged messenger', is Gemini's ruling planet and their purpose is to interact, inform, inquire & charm their audience so they keep listening. Gemini is both the Twins and an air sign, so don't try to pin them down to what they said then, just enjoy the ride.
(opposite sign: SAGITTARIUS)

sensitive ~ moody ~ nurturing
[CARDINAL WATER] To spot a Cancer in the crowd, look who's clinging to the wall. The Crab would rather just stay home. Nothing is so desirable to Moon-ruled Cancer than home & family, who they live to nurture. Their emotions are as changeable as the lunar phases and they're helpless to stem the tide. So be patient with their moodiness and their loony laughter will return to tickle your heart, as always.
(opposite sign: CAPRICORN)

strong-willed ~ creative ~ courageous
[FIXED FIRE] A Leo's heart is as big as the Sun, their ruling planet, and they naturally assume the world revolves around them. They're courageous to a fault and whether roaring or purring they incite the delight of loyal friends as the jackals in the jungle plot against them. And the Lion takes it all in stride.
(opposite sign: AQUARIUS)

analytical ~ practical ~ hard-working
[MUTABLE EARTH] Virgo's quiet grace and graceful sensuality belies a steel
trap mind. Nothing goes unnoticed by their Spock-logical brains, grounded
in potently psychic perceptions and common sense. Wheatbearers listen & serve & tend to the needed things. And to Virgo, heaven is in the details.
(opposite sign: PISCES)

artistic ~ idealistic ~ charming
[CARDINAL AIR] Venus-ruled Libra matches Virgo in their gracious demeanor
and seek tranquility to maintain their delicate equilibrium. Symbolized by the Scales, Libras often fall into frustrated debates in pursuit of truth. It's just so hard to know what's true when you so clearly see all sides.
(opposite sign: ARIES)

intense ~ private ~ passionate
[FIXED WATER] Pluto-ruled Scorpio has a piercing intensity and is driven to expose what's hidden. Knowledge is power & nothing is as it seems and the Scorpian Phoenix will prove it. They're rumored to be sex-obsessed, because sexual union in its perfect form promises endless depths & transformation.
(opposite sign: TAURUS)

philosophical ~ optimistic ~ adventuresome
[MUTABLE FIRE] Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is the adventurer of the zodiac, compelled to learn, explore and expand. Their fiery spirit ignites their surroundings and brutally candid, they mean only the best. An Archer's
arrows pierce to the heart of things to uplift and enlighten.
(opposite sign: GEMINI)

ambitious ~ determined ~ competitive
[CARDINAL EARTH] Capricorn the Goat is born to ascend a mountain no one else can see. They're determined to accomplish their goals and at their best, no one is more reliable. Capricorns become youngfer in spirit over time, as they stop their climb to smell the flowers.
(opposite sign: CANCER)

inventive ~ rebellious ~ independent
[FIXED AIR] Aquarius is the Waterbearer of revelation and change. Uranian spirits can't be held back or tied down and their steely will is matched only by their opposite, the Lion. Humanitarian to the core, Aquarius sees the Big Picture and is driven to assist in the evolution of humanity.
(opposite sign: LEO)

imaginative ~ intuitive ~ sensitive
[MUTABLE WATER] Neptune-ruled Pisces are dreamers. They swim in the waters of inspiration and absorb their surroundings like a sponge. Hyper-sensitive Pisces contain the qualities of all 12 signs and their empathy is unmatched. They're born romantics and so close to the source of our dreams.
(opposite sign: VIRGO)

Once you're comfortably familiar with the Planets, Aspects & Signs, you're ready to sound them out on a BirthPrint. So on page four we dissect some famous psyches to get the inside scoop and the hang of birth chart analysis. Page four is still a work-in-progress, so please check back soon.

And if you're already probing your favorite somebodies,
here's a keyword list of 260 aspect blends to help you along...

that's what she said

Next p4: Probing Famous Brains