You might find this a shocker, but Dr. Jung founded Analytical Psychology on planetary principles. It's true! But the entire field of psychology ignores it.
How does that happen?

So most Jungian analysts take weeks and months to gain insights they could gain in an hour of analyzing a client's birth chart. And if you know an analyst who utilizes astrology, you must have some lucky stars.

But even incomplete, Jung's theory of consciousness is profoundly valuable. We now understand that the mind has unfathomable depths, like an ocean you can deeply dive into or just dip in a toe. Whatever floats your boat. And the planets help you navigate the best course through life.

And Jung's dream of a psychological [r]evolution will surely come to pass. Evolution is the point, otherwise what's the point? We've idled long enough. The Aquarian Age is upon us and that spells eXposure and innovation!

Dr. Jung identified three levels of consciousness: conscious, unconscious
and collective unconscious
. So I took the liberty of shortening it to conscious, subconscious & unconscious. Same meaning, fewer syllables.

sun ~ moon ~ mercury ~ venus ~ mars
ego ~ emotion ~ intellect ~ desire ~ drive
The conscious mind is the surface story of everything. It hosts the ego, emotions, intellect, desire & drive and all our interactions through life.
But only 10% of the mind is conscious, so how are we steering the ship?
Not too well. What more is possible as we become more conscious?

jupiter ~ saturn
expansion ~ contraction
The subconscious absorbs experiences from birth to age three like a sponge and with zero analysis. And the first seven years shape our dynamics and expand or constrict our perceptions & actions. And supercharged emotions form reactive pathways we repeatedly traverse for better and worse. Psychologists call them "paterns of behavior."

The subconscious regulates the body, the body retains emotion and the most painful provoke unease and disease. Release trauma and the past won't limit the future. The best ways may be through guided meditation and hypnosis.
When healthy parenting is finally taught, we'll all be healthier & happier.
And Know Thyself and others is the fundamental step.

uranus ~ neptune ~ pluto
divine mind ~ divine spirit ~ divine will
The unconscious is aligned with the divine spirit. It's Purpose with a capital P. The small, still voice within that knows ALL. And when it's unheard, the path can grow jagged, but still work its heavenly magic when you stay the course. And as we become more conscious, the path becomes smoother as we more easily intuit the best steps to take to make our dreams reality.

Jimmy Dore on the ocean of consciousness

"The soul of the newly born baby is marked for life by the pattern
of the stars at the moment it comes into the world.
~ Johannes Kepler, Harmonics Mundi

With your first breath, your soul or psyche is imprinted with the celestial frequency pattern of that moment in time, your electromagnetic DNA.
Your breath or prana anchors your eternal spirit in this time & space.

So proper breathing is key to feeling fully here and meditation can work miracles. GOM is the ancient Tibetan word for meditation and means
'to become familiar with'
. So do that and become truly supernatural.

A brief digression

Good to know; from Dr. Joe...
The Role of Brainwaves in Meditation

Your SuperNatural pineal gland

Is time the canvas and cosmos the template for our souls' eternal journey? The Age of Aquarius is here and we need to catch up to cleverness with wisdom. Evolution, revolution, it's a Ball of Confusion ruled by Uranus,
God of technology.

One thing's for sure, the heart has to lead and AI has no heart,
and neither do the few who want it to rule us.

And misery loves company.

Next p3: Planets, Aspects & Signs