You might find this a shocker, but Dr. Jung founded Analytical Psychology on planetary principles. It's true! But the entire field of psychology ignores it.
How does that happen?

So most Jungian analysts take weeks and months to gain insights they could gain in an hour of analyzing a client's birth chart. And if you know an analyst who utilizes astrology, thank your lucky stars.

But even incomplete, Dr. Jung's work has led to a growing awareness of the unfathomable depths of the human psyche. Like an ocean, you can dive in deeply or just dip in a toe. Whatever floats your boat. Just look up to navigate the best course through life.

And Dr. Jung's dream of a deep psychological awakening is sure to come to pass. The Aquarian Age won't wait long to shatter rigid paradigms and let in the light of exposure that leads to innovation and [r]evolution.

Dr. Jung identified three levels of the psyche as conscious, unconscious
and collective unconscious
. So I took the liberty of shortening it to conscious, subconscious & unconscious. Same meaning, fewer syllables.

A random action can change your life, but not by chance, by consciousness, and 90% is unconscious.

sun ~ moon ~ mercury ~ venus ~ mars
ego ~ emotion ~ intellect ~ desire ~ drive
The conscious mind is the surface story of everything. It hosts the ego, emotions, intellect, desire & drive and all our interactions through life.
But only 10% of the mind is conscious, so how are we steering the ship?
Maybe not so good? What more is possible as we become more conscious?

jupiter ~ saturn
expansion ~ contraction
The subconscious absorbs all experiences from birth to age seven like a sponge and without analysis. This period of time expands or constricts your perceptions and the most intense experiencies may create reactive pathways you repeatedly traverse for better and worse. Psychologists call them "paterns of behavior."

The subconscious regulates the body, the body retains emotion and the most painful provoke unease and disease. Release trauma and the past won't limit the future. The best ways may be through hypnosis and guided meditation.

And once parenting skills joins the 3 R's, we'll all be healthier in body & soul.

uranus ~ neptune ~ pluto
divine mind ~ divine spirit ~ divine will
The unconscious is aligned with the divine and exists beyond time. And within time it's Purpose with a capital P, the still, small voice within that knows ALL. And when it's unheard or unheeded, the path can grow jagged, but still works its heavenly magic, whether or not we notice at the time. The path grows smoother as the unconscious reaches the surface and we better intuit the
best course to take to make our dreams reality.


"The soul of the newly born baby is marked for life by the pattern
of the stars at the moment it comes into the world.
~ Johannes Kepler, Harmonics Mundi

With your first breath, your psyche is imprinted with the celestial pattern of that moment in time, your electromagnetic DNA. Breath/prana/chi/qi anchors your eternal spirit in this time & space.

So proper breathing is key to feeling fully here and meditation can work miracles. GOM is the ancient Tibetan word for meditation and it means 'to become familiar with', wisdom that crosses all cultures. The best known was inscribed in ancient Greece, by way of ancient Egypt, at the Temple of Apollo - also known as the Oracle of Delphi.

Meditation is direct experience of the self, astrology is the users guide and reincarnation reveals all the selves we've been that compose who we've become. And through knowing all lhree you'll become truly supernatural.

A brief digression

Good to know; from Dr. Joe...
The Role of Brainwaves in Meditation

Jimmy Dore on the ocean of consciousness

Next p3: Planets, Aspects & Signs