great law of peace
eye of atlantis
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More astro quotes...

"Do not Christians and Heathens, Jews and Gentiles, poets and philosophers, unite in allowing the starry influences?" ~ Sir Walter Scott

"A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma." ~ Sri Yukteswar Giri

"It's common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology." ~ Donald Regan

"Without astrology man treads, as it were, in the dim twilight of ignorance." ~ Luke Dennis Broughton, The Elements of Astrology

"We do not ask for what useful purpose the birds do sing, for song is their pleasure since they were created for singing. Similarly, we ought not to ask why the human mind troubles to fathom the secrets of the heavens. The diversity of the phenomena of nature is so great and the treasures hidden in the heavens so rich precisely in order that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment." ~ Johannes Kepler

"The value of astrology. . .is not its power to predict what the gods have in store for humans, but its ability to reveal the god-like powers that reside in the depths of every human being." ~ Glenn Perry, Ph.D.

"We are merely the stars' tennis-balls, struck and banded which way please them." ~ John Webster

""Practices do not persist for thousands of years, and in diverse cultures, without results." ~ Lawrence Spector, Professor of Mathematics

"An Astronomer who denies Astrology, is like a butcher who recognizes the brain but is unaware of its transmission of waves." ~ Ahmed Hulusia, From Friend to Friend

"It's my view that those who use simplistic models to disprove astrology are violating the principles of the philosophy of science. Any number of theories may be shown not to work, but to say it follows that no theory of astrology can work is just bad science. It totally rules out scientific method. So, I came to the conclusion that they were totally unscientific - a form of rationalized bigotry cloaked in academic language." - Percy Seymour

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves; we are underlings." ~ William Shakespeare

"There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life." ~ Varahamihira

"A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma." ~ Sri Yukteswar Giri

"I find my zenith doth depend upon A most auspicious star, whose influence If now I court not, but omit, my fortunes Will ever after droop." ~ William Shakespeare

"The stars which shone over Babylon and the stable in Bethlehem still shine as brightly over the Empire State Building and your front yard today..." ~ Linda Goodman

"All of us are truly and literally a little bit of stardust." ~ William Fowler

"I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream." ~ Vincent Van Gogh

"Throughout much of history, and up until the 17th century, astrology was considered an academic discipline across much of Eurasia… commonly accepted in political and cultural circles with astrological concepts applied in other fields including alchemy, meteorology, and traditional medicine." ~ UNESCO

"The word science means knowledge from a latin root. Nescience is the opposite of knowledge, or ignorance. Modern science began with a theological concept, that God is a mathematician and the language of God is Geometry [but] it's been taken over by persons of demonic mentality as the vehicle for presenting the philosophy of atheism." ~ Dr. Richard L. Thompson, author of Forbidden Archaeology

"The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts.
The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins.
The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever.
Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus?
But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time."
~ D.H. Lawrence