The ascendant is the sign on the horizon at birth, also called the rising sign. The ascendant defines your persona, your surface self, and may compliment, cloak, facilitate, frustrate or take a back seat to your planetary dynamics.

The ascendant also determines what houses your planets occupy on the 12 House Wheel of Life and what areas you're most focused on in this lifetime.

To calculate the ascendant, an exact birth time is required and a lot of people don't know theirs. But no worries, a birth chart can be calculated without it. Only the Planets, Aspects & Signs are essential, so that's my 'inclusive' focus. There's still plenty of information available without the ascendant.

The Sun moves one degree a day and all other planets move only minutes, except the Moon, which moves one degree every two hours. So if the exact or approximate birth time is unknown, noon is used, so the Moon is no more than 6 degrees off and usually less. Not perfect, but workable. So don't miss the party because you don't know your birth time.

American hospitals usually record newborns' birth times and town halls retain them. I don't know about other countries. And a
chart rectification is always an option, but it's pricey and could be wrong. Still may be worth a few comparative tries if you have money to burn. Good luck.

There are basically two kinds of BirthPrint (and birth chart): natal & solar. A Natal BirthPrint is calculated with an exact birth time and displays the ascendant & planetary house positions. A Solar BirthPrintâ„¢ is calculated with an approximate or noon birth time, there's no ascendant and the houses are a silent backdrop. All BirthPrints display the Planets, Aspects & Signs.

A Natal and Solar BirthPrint...
