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The vote to demote Pluto was underhanded and highly contentious, in the most Plutonian time in recorded history. "Pluto vote 'hijacked' in revolt... A fierce backlash has begun against the decision by astronomers to strip Pluto of its status as a planet." "[O]nly 424 astronomers were allowed to vote, out of some 10,000 professional astronomers around the globe." "Pluto is the second-most complex, interesting planet in our solar system behind Earth" "NASA Administrator Says Pluto Is Still a Planet, And Things Are Getting Heated" [2019] "[A]stronomers are already circulating a petition that would try to overturn the IAU decision." "NASA missions may re-elevate Pluto and Ceres from dwarf planets to full-on planet status." In 2024, Pluto completes a 248 year cycle that began in 1776. Both the Declaration of Independence and the Illuminati came into being in 1776. And Pluto will bring transformation to both, but only one can prevail. Why do so few Americans know that the U.S. Constitution was founded on the Native American Great Law of Peace of 1142? Surely this knwledge will bring us together to protect and defend our sacred liberty - is that why so few of us know? A relevant woo digression |
It seems likely that all sides are well aware of the significance of the 2024 Pluto return. And quite a few have reported it... US Pluto Return 2022-2024 -and-neptune-opposition-2022-2026-51aa22e34985 Did Astrology Change American History? 2024 The Year of Great Transformation America is about to experience a 'Pluto return' The United States' First-Ever Pluto Return; Radical Change |