When would we be without the clock and calendar? But what about the qualities of time, the electromagnetic celestial clock most of us ignore? Plenty of room on the wall, so how about a FutureGraph to display the shifting energies of your personal time?

This occurs as the planets above make connections to your planets within at specific degrees of distance, creating potent and distinctive dynamics. And observing them on a futureGraph enables you to prepare for and make the most of them.

The planets connect through conduits called aspects, that blend and modify your planetary frequencies. And throughout these evolving, super-charged moments, free will directs the story and determines the outcome.

"Always fall in with what is given and make it over your way.
Not against, with." ~ Robert Frost

Planetary cycles range from minor, brief and frequent [Sun through Mars] to major, lengthy and infrequent [Jupiter through Pluto]. The major cycles are displayed on a FutureGraph as waves that build, crest and recede.

"Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus?
But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us
all the time." ~ D.H. Lawrence

Who hasn't noticed the seven year cycle in their own or others' lives? How many know it's Saturn? Or that it demands some reflection? And it can be stressful, so knowing when it starts and ends assures you that 'this too shall pass'. Just ride the wave and sow good seeds and Saturn will deliver.

All the major cycles bring exciting opportunities, usually through unforeseen events. Jupiter expands, Saturn restrains, Uranus exposes, Neptune inspires and Pluto transforms.

A FutureGraph displays any 12 month period of your choice.

To order a FutureGraph

please e-meow me:
FutureGraph start date: year & month
name ~ birthdate ~ birthplace ~ exact or approx. time
(if unknown, noon is used)


Post your payment to:

I'll email you a confirmation upon rceipt of your payment and add your order to the queue. Since I calculate each FutureGraph manually, it takes days to months to receive. Email me before you place your order and I'll let you know how long the wait: linda@astrologicaltools.com