Conscious Frequencies:
sun ~ moon ~ mercury ~ venus ~ mars

SUN: I am
will ~ heart ~ ego ~ vitality ~ essential self
The Sun is the centerpoint of consciousness we call 'ego'. It's the core of self-identity that casts its light over the whole personality.

1) Sun conjunct Moon: integration of will and emotion
2) Sun sextile Moon: facilitation of will & emotion
3) Sun square Moon: agitation of will & emotion
4) Sun trine Moon: harmonization of ego will emotion
5) Sun quincunx Moon: frustration of will & emotion
6) Sun opposite Moon: polarization of will & emotion
7) Sun conjunct Mercury: integration of will & intellect
8) Sun conjunct Venus: integration of will & desire
9) Sun conjunct Mars: integration of will & drive
10) Sun sextile Mars: facilitation of will & drive
11) Sun square Mars: aagitation of will & drive
12) Sun trine Mars: harmonization of will & drive
13) Sun quincunx Mars: frustration of will & drive
14) Sun opposite Mars: polarization of will & drive
*15) Sun conjunct Jupiter: integration of will & aspiration
16) Sun sextile Jupiter: facilitation of will & aspiration
17) Sun square Jupiter: agitation of will & aspiration
18) Sun trine Jupiter: harmonization of will & aspiration
19) Sun quincunx Jupiter: frustration of will & aspiration
20) Sun opposite Jupiter: polarization of will & aspiration
21) Sun conjunct Saturn: integration of will & restraint
22) Sun sextile Saturn: facilitation of will & discipline
23) Sun square Saturn: agitation of will & discipline
24) Sun trine Saturn: harmonization of will & discipline
25) Sun quincunx Saturn: frustration of will & discipline
26) Sun opposite Saturn: polarization of will & discipline
27) Sun conjunct Uranus: integration of will & divine revelation
28) Sun sextile Uranus: facilitation of will & divine revelation
29) Sun square Uranus: agitation of will & divine revelation
30) Sun trine Uranus: harmonization of will & divine revelation
31) Sun quincunx Uranus: frustration of will & divine revelation
32) Sun opposite Uranus: polarization of will & divine revelation
33) Sun conjunct Neptune: integration of will & divine inspiration
34) Sun sextile Neptune: facilitation of will & divine inspiration
35) Sun square Neptune: agitation of will & divine inspiration
36) Sun trine Neptune: harmonization of will & divine inspiration
37) Sun quincunx Neptune: frustration of will & divine inspiration
38) Sun opposite Neptune: polarization of will & divine inspiration
39) Sun conjunct Pluto: integration of will and divine will
40) Sun sextile Pluto: facilitation of will & divine will
41) Sun square Pluto: agitation of will & divine will
42) Sun trine Pluto: harmonization of will & divine will
43) Sun quincunx Pluto: frustration of will & divine will
44) Sun opposite Pluto: polarization of will & divine will

MOON: I feel
emotion ~ intuition ~ instinct ~ memory ~ bodily function
The Moon is the seat of emotion, memory, intuition & instinct.

45) Moon conjunct Mercury: integration of emotion & intellect
46) Moon sextile Mercury: facilitation of emotion & intellect
47) Moon square Mercury: agitation of emotion & intellect
48) Moon trine Mercury: harmonization of emotion & intellect
49) Moon quincunx Mercury: frustration of emotion & intellect
50) Moon opposite Mercury: polarization of emotion & intellect
51) Moon conjunct Venus: integration of emotion & desire
52) Moon sextile Venus: facilitation of emotion & desire
53) Moon square Venus: agitation agitating force of emotion & desire
54) Moon trine Venus: harmonization of emotion & desire
55) Moon quincunx Venus: frustration of emotion & desire
56) Moon opposite Venus: polarization of emotion & desire
57) Moon conjunct Mars: integration of emotion & drive
58) Moon sextile Mars: facilitation of emotion & drive
59) Moon square Mars: agitation of emotion & drive
60) Moon trine Mars: harmonization of emotion & drive
61) Moon quincunx Mars: frustration of emotion & drive
62) Moon opposite Mars: polarization of emotion and drive
*63) Moon conjunct Jupiter: integration of emotion & aspiration
64) Moon sextile Jupiter: facilitation of emotion & aspiration
65) Moon square Jupiter: agitation of emotion and aspiration
66) Moon trine Jupiter: harmonization of emotion & aspiration
67) Moon quincunx Jupiter: energizing tension of emotion & aspiration
68) Moon opposite Jupiter: polarization of emotion & aspiration
69) Moon conjunct Saturn: integration of emotion & discipline
70) Moon sextile Saturn: facilitation of emotion & discipline
71) Moon square Saturn: agitation of emotion & discipline
72) Moon trine Saturn: harmonization of emotion & discipline
73) Moon quincunx Saturn: frustration of emotion & discipline
74) Moon opposite Saturn: polarization of emotion & discipline
*75) Moon conjunct Uranus: integration of emotion & divine revelation
76) Moon sextile Uranus: facilitation of emotion & divine revelation
77) Moon square Uranus: agitation of emotion & divine revelation
78) Moon trine Uranus: harmonization of emotion & divine revelation
79) Moon quincunx Uranus: frustration of emotion  & divine revelation
80) Moon opposite Uranus: polarization of emotion & divine revelation
81) Moon conjunct Neptune: integration of emotion & divine inspiration
82) Moon sextile Neptune: facilitation of emotion & divine inspiration
83) Moon square Neptune: agitation of emotion & divine inspiration
84) Moon trine Neptune: harmonization of emotion & divine inspiration
85) Moon quincunx Neptune: energizing tension of emotion & divine inspiration
86) Moon opposite Neptune: polarization of emotion & divine inspiration
87) Moon conjunct Pluto: integration of emotion & divine will
88) Moon sextile Pluto: facilitation of emotion & divine will
89) Moon square Pluto: agitation of emotion & divine will
90) Moon trine Pluto: harmonization of emotion & divine will
91) Moon quincunx Pluto: frustration of emotion & divine will
92) Moon opposite Pluto: polarization of balance emotion & divine will

MERCURY: I think
intellect ~ reason ~ discernment ~ perception ~ communication
Mercury is reason & logic, how you process your surroundings and organize & express your thoughts.

93) Mercury conjunct Venus: integration of intellect & desire
94) Mercury sextile Venus: facilitation of intellect & desire
95) Mercury square Venus: agitation of intellect & desire
96) Mercury trine Venus: harmonization of intellect & desire
97) Mercury quincunx Venus: frustration of intellect & desire
98) Mercury opposite Venus: impulse to balance intellect & desire
99) Mercury conjunct Mars: integration of intellect & drive
100) Mercury sextile Mars: facilitation of intellect & drive
101) Mercury square Mars: agitation of intellect & drive
102) Mercury trine Mars: harmonization of intellect & drive
103) Mercury quincunx Mars: frustration of intellect & drive
104) Mercury opposite Mars: polarization of intellect & drive
105) Mercury conjunct Jupiter: integration of intellect & aspiration
106) Mercury sextile Jupiter: facilitation of intellect & aspiration
107) Mercury square Jupiter: agitation of intellect & aspiration
108) Mercury trine Jupiter: harmonization of intellect & aspiration
109) Mercury quincunx Jupiter: frustration of intellect & aspiration
110) Mercury opposite Jupiter: polarization of intellect & aspiration
111) Mercury conjunct Saturn: integration of intellect & discipline
112) Mercury sextile Saturn: facilitation of intellect & discipline
113) Mercury square Saturn: agitation of intellect & discipline
114) Mercury trine Saturn: harmonization of intellect & discipline
115) Mercury quincunx Saturn: frustration of intellect & discipline
116) Mercury opposite Saturn: polarization of intellect & discipline
117) Mercury conjunct Uranus: integration of intellect & divine revelation
118) Mercury sextile Uranus: facilitation of intellect & divine revelation
119) Mercury square Uranus: agitation of intellect & divine revelation
120) Mercury trine Uranus: harmonization of intellect & divine revelation
121) Mercury quincunx Uranus: frustration of intellect & divine revelation
122) Mercury opposite Uranus: polarization of intellect & divine revelation
123) Mercury conjunct Neptune: integration of intellect & divine inspiration
124) Mercury sextile Neptune: facilitation of intellect & divine inspiration
125) Mercury square Neptune: agitation of intellect & divine inspiration
126) Mercury trine Neptune: harmonization of intellect & divine inspiration
127) Mercury quincunx Neptune: frustration of intellect & divine inspiration
128) Mercury opposite Neptune: polarization of intellect & divine inspiration
129) Mercury conjunct Pluto: integration of intellect & divine will
130) Mercury sextile Pluto: facilitation of intellect & divine will
131) Mercury square Pluto: agitation of intellect & divine will
132) Mercury trine Pluto: harmonization of intellect & divine will
133) Mercury quincunx Pluto: frustration of intellect & divine will
134) Mercury opposite Pluto: polarization of intellect & divine will

VENUS: I desire
desire ~ magnetism ~ creative/procreative ~ attractiveness
Venus is the longing for an ideal. It's desire and attraction, receptivity and romance. And while lovers come & go, creative self-expression keeps the fruits of Venus sweet.

135) Venus conjunct Mars: integration of desire & drive
136) Venus sextile Mars: facilitation of desire & drive
137) Venus square Mars: agitation of desire & drive
138) Venus trine Mars: harmonization of desire & drive
139) Venus quincunx Mars: frustration of desire & drive
140) Venus opposite Mars: polarization of desire & drive
*141) Venus conjunct Jupiter: integration of desire & aspiration
142) Venus sextile Jupiter: facilitation of desire & aspiration
143) Venus square Jupiter: agitating force of desire & aspiration
144) Venus trine Jupiter: harmonization of desire & aspiration
145) Venus quincunx Jupiter: frustration of desire & aspiration
146) Venus opposite Jupiter: polarization of desire & aspiration
*147) Venus conjunct Saturn: integration of desire & discipline
148) Venus sextile Saturn: facilitation of desire & discipline
149) Venus square Saturn: agitating force of desire & discipline
150) Venus trine Saturn: harmonization of desire & discipline
151) Venus quincunx Saturn: frustration of desire & discipline
152) Venus opposite Saturn: polarization of desire & discipline
*153) Venus conjunct Uranus: integration of desire & divine revelation
154) Venus sextile Uranus: facilitation of desire & divine revelation
155) Venus square Uranus: agitating force of desire & divine revelation
156) Venus trine Uranus: harmonization of desire & divine revelation
157) Venus quincunx Uranus: frustration of desire & divine revelation
158) Venus opposite Uranus: polarization of desire & divine revelation
*159) Venus conjunct Neptune: integration of desire & divine inspiration
160) Venus sextile Neptune: facilitation of desire & divine inspiration
161) Venus square Neptune: agitating force of desire & divine inspiration
162) Venus trine Neptune: harmonization of desire & divine inspiration
163) Venus quincunx Neptune: frustration of desire & divine inspiration
164) Venus opposite Neptune: polarization of desire & divine inspiration
*165) Venus conjunct Pluto: integration of desire & divine will
166) Venus sextile Pluto: facilitation of desire & divine will
167) Venus square Pluto: agitating force of desire & divine will
168) Venus trine Pluto: harmonization of desire & divine will
169) Venus quincunx Pluto: frustration of desire & divine will
170) Venus opposite Pluto: polarization of desire & divine will

MARS: I assert
drive ~ assertion ~ physical/sexual strength ~ force
Mars makes love & war & whatever else involves the willful assertion of energy. Bodily motion is Mars in action.

171) Mars conjunct Jupiter: integration of drive & aspiration
172) Mars sextile Jupiter: facilitation of drive & aspiration
173) Mars square Jupiter: agitation of drive & aspiration
174) Mars trine Jupiter: harmonization of drive & aspiration
175) Mars quincunx Jupiter: frustration of drive & aspiration
176) Mars opposite Jupiter: polarization of drive & aspiration
*177) Mars conjunct Saturn: integration of drive & discipline
178) Mars sextile Saturn: facilitation of drive & discipline
179) Mars square Saturn: agitation of drive & discipline
180) Mars trine Saturn: harmonization of drive & discipline
181) Mars quincunx Saturn: frustration of drive & discipline
182) Mars opposite Saturn: polarization of drive & discipline
*183) Mars conjunct Uranus: integration of drive & divine discovery
184) Mars sextile Uranus: facilitation of drive & divine revelation
185) Mars square Uranus: agitation of drive & divine revelation
186) Mars trine Uranus: harmonization of drive & divine revelation
187) Mars quincunx Uranus: frustration of drive & divine revelation
188) Mars opposite Uranus: polarization of drive & divine revelation
*189) Mars conjunct Neptune: integration of drive & divine inspiration
199) Mars sextile Neptune: facilitation of drive & divine inspiration
191) Mars square Neptune: agitation of drive & divine inspiration
192) Mars trine Neptune: harmonization of drive & divine inspiration
193) Mars quincunx Neptune: frustration of drive & divine inspiration
194) Mars opposite Neptune: polarization of drive & divine inspiration
*195) Mars conjunct Pluto: integration of drive & divine will
196) Mars sextile Pluto: facilitation of drive & divine will
197) Mars square Pluto: agitation of drive & divine will
198) Mars trine Pluto: harmonization of drive & divine will
199) Mars quincunx Pluto: frustration of drive & divine will
200) Mars opposite Pluto: polarization of drive & divine will

Subconscious Frequencies:
jupiter ~ saturn

JUPITER: I expand
aspiration ~ joy/faith ~ optimism ~ expansion ~ generosity
Jupiter is aspiration, optimism, benevolence & faith.

201) Jupiter conjunct Saturn: integration of aspiration & discipline
202) Jupiter sextile Saturn: facilitation of aspiration & discipline
203) Jupiter square Saturn: agitation of aspiration & discipline
204) Jupiter trine Saturn: harmonization of aspiration & discipline
205) Jupiter quincunx Saturn: frustration of aspiration & discipline
206) Jupiter opposite Saturn: polarization of aspiration & discipline
207) Jupiter conjunct Uranus: integration of aspiration & divine revelation
208) Jupiter sextile Uranus: facilitation of aspiration & divine revelation
209) Jupiter square Uranus: agitation of aspiration & divine revelation
210) Jupiter trine Uranus: harmonization of aspiration & divine revelation
211) Jupiter quincunx Uranus: frustration of aspiration & divine revelation
212) Jupiter opposite Uranus: polarization of aspiration & divine revelation
213) Jupiter conjunct Neptune: integration of aspiration & divine inspiration
214) Jupiter sextile Neptune: facilitation of aspiration & divine inspiration
215) Jupiter square Neptune: agitation of aspiration & divine inspiration
216) Jupiter trine Neptune: harmonization of aspiration & divine inspiration
217) Jupiter quincunx Neptune: frustration of aspiration & divine inspiration
218) Jupiter opposite Neptune: polarization of aspiration & divine inspiration
219) Jupiter conjunct Pluto: integration of aspiration & divine will
220) Jupiter sextile Pluto: facilitation of aspiration & divine will
221) Jupiter square Pluto: agitation of aspiration & divine will
222) Jupiter trine Pluto: harmonization of aspiration & divine will
223) Jupiter quincunx Pluto: frustration of aspiration & divine will
224) Jupiter opposite Pluto: polarization of aspiration & divine will

SATURN: I contract
discipline ~ doubt/fear ~ purpose ~ effort ~ temperance ~ stability ~ contraction
Where Jupiter is benevolence, Saturn is tough love. The Inner Critic brings limitations, restrictions & ruthless self-analysis. Saturn brings a sense of lacking or doubt and at its best the determination to overcome it. Saturn is the Reaper of past actions or inactions, whether or not you remember what you sowed. And you can patiently dismantle the resulting obstacles or cover them with defeatist graffiti as a monument to failure. You're free to see obstacles as opportunities, or not.

225) Saturn conjunct Uranus: integration of discipline & divine revelation
226) Saturn sextile Uranus: facilitation of discipline & divine revelation
227) Saturn square Uranus: agitation of discipline & divine revelation
228) Saturn trine Uranus: harmonization of discipline & divine revelation
229) Saturn quincunx Uranus: frustration of discipline & divine revelation
230) Saturn opposite Uranus: polarization of discipline & divine revelation
231) Saturn conjunct Neptune: integration of discipline & divine inspiration
232) Saturn sextile Neptune: facilitation of discipline & divine inspiration
233) Saturn square Neptune: agitation of discipline & divine inspiration
234) Saturn trine Neptune: harmonization of discipline & divine inspiration
235) Saturn quincunx Neptune: frustration of discipline & divine inspiration
236) Saturn opposite Neptune: polarization of discipline & divine inspiration
237) Saturn conjunct Pluto: integration of discipline & divine will
238) Saturn sextile Pluto: facilitation of discipline & divine will
239) Saturn square Pluto: agitation of discipline & divine will
240) Saturn trine Pluto: harmonization of discipline & divine will
241) Saturn quincunx Pluto: frustration of discipline & divine will
242) Saturn opposite Pluto: polarization of discipline & divine will

Unconscious Frequencies:
uranus ~ neptune ~ pluto

URANUS: I reveal
divine revelation ~ ingenuity ~ non-conformity ~ [r]evolution
Uranus is the divine mind that gives rise to [r]evolution. It's Awareness with a capital A and the 'genius frequency' common in the charts of big thinkers. Uranus gets to the logical core and jolts with sudden revelation. Uranian types are ahead of their time and driven to disrupt the status quo. In its highest expression Uranus inspires collective progress, but resistance in those who dwell in fear. In its lowest expression Uranus wreaks havoc & chaos.

243) Uranus conjunct Neptune: integration of divine revelation & divine inspiration
244) Uranus sextile Neptune: facilitation of divine revelation & divine inspiration
245) Uranus square Neptune: agitation of divine revelation & divine inspiration
246) Uranus trine Neptune: harmonization of divine revelation & divine inspiration
247) Uranus quincunx Neptune: frustration of divine revelation & divine inspiration
248) Uranus opposite Neptune: polarization of divine revelation & divine inspiration
249) Uranus conjunct Pluto: integration of divine revelation & divine will
250) Uranus sextile Pluto: facilitation of divine revelation & divine will
251) Uranus square Pluto: agitating force of divine revelation & divine will
252) Uranus trine Pluto: harmonization of divine revelation & divine will
253) Uranus quincunx Pluto: frustration of divine revelation & divine will
254) Uranus opposite Pluto: polarization of divine revelation & divine will

NEPTUNE: I inspire
divine inspiration ~ imagination ~ escapism ~ transcendance
Neptune is divine inspiration and soaring imagination and its Purpose is enlightenment & transcendence. Neptune is Creative with a capital C and the frequency of artists & healers. Music is its universal language and healing sound is Neptune-in-action. Neptune awakens the spirit that longs to return Home to Paradise. Drugs enable a seductive sneak peek, but some lose their bearings in pursuit of Nirvana and the 'real world' falls to ruin. Neptune's highest expression is creative self-expression that inspires artists, poets & healers to the benefit of humanity.

255) Neptune conjunct Pluto: integration of divine inspiration & divine will
256) Neptune sextile Pluto: facilitation of divine inspiration & divine will
257) Neptune square Pluto: agitation of divine inspiration & divine will
258) Neptune trine Pluto: harmonization of divine inspiration & divine will
259) Neptune quincunx Pluto: frustration of divine inspiration & divine will
260) Neptune opposite Pluto: polarization of divine inspiration & divine will

PLUTO: I transform
divine will ~ regeneration/degeneration ~ transformation
Pluto is divine will & insight and its Purpose is empowerment & transformation. Pluto is Power with a capital P and the mythical Phoenix energy, the will to rise from the ashes & begin again. Pluto is explosively intense and purposeful and never easy, but always effective.

The building blocks of everything under the sun.

conscious frequencies:
SUN I am: will ~ heart ~ ego
MOON I feel: emotion ~ intuition ~ instinct
MERCURY I think: intellect ~ reason ~ discernment
VENUS I desire: desire ~ magnetism ~ creativity/procreativity
MARS I assert: drive ~ assertion ~ strength/sexuality

subconscious frequencies:
JUPITER I expand: aspiration ~ faith/joy ~ optimism ~ expansive
SATURN I contract: discipline ~ caution/fear ~ pessimism ~ contractive

unconscious frequencies:
URANUS I reveal : divine revelation ~ genius ~ [r]evolution
NEPTUNE I inspire: divine inspiration ~ imagination ~ transcendance
PLUTO I will: divine will ~ regeneration ~ transformation

Connect, blend & modify your soul frequencies

CONJUNCTION: 0°: integrating; strengthening
SEXTILE: 60°: facilitating; balancing
SQUARE: 90°: frictional; challenging
TRINE:120°: harmonizing; mellowing
QUINCUNX: 150°: driving; frustrating
OPPOSITION: 180°: polarizing; separating
[2°-9° orbs of influence]

A prism of elemental archetypes that color your soul frequencies...
ARIES; yang: assertive ~ impulsive ~ headstrong cardinal fire
TAURUS; yin: sensual ~ focused ~ nurturing ~ loyal fixend earth
GEMINI; yang: communicative ~ mercurial ~ highstrung mutable air
CANCER; yin: sensitive ~ moody ~ reactive cardinal water
LEO; yang: creative ~ strong-willed ~ affectionate fixed fire
VIRGO; yin: analytical ~ practical ~ hard-working mutable earth
LIBRA; yang: charming ~ fairminded ~ broadminded cardinal air
SCORPIO; yin: passionate ~ private ~ intense fixed water
SAGITTARIUS; yang: candid ~ good-natured ~ philosophical mutable fire
CAPRICORN; yin: tenacious ~ disciplined ~ ambitious cardinal earth
AQUARIUS; yang: inventive ~ rebellious ~ independent fixed air
PISCES; yin: imaginative ~ intuitive ~ sensitive mutable water
ELEMENTS: fire ~ earth ~ air ~ water
assertive ~ grounded ~ intellectual ~ emotional;
MODALITIES: cardinal ~ fixed ~ mutable
active ~ focused ~ adaptable;
POLARITIES: negative & positive or yin & yang
ie: female & male..[please don't call the woke police]
