"The agenda they are running is from the Bible. They're following the revelations of the Bible, the prophecies of the Bible. Maybe they are the only ones who are following the Bible in a very serious way. And they're quite on track with their agenda." - BIS whistleblower Ronald Bernard, Nov 2020 [3:24] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI5k-mNYpbY&t=790s

Baal - the fallen angel, demon from Hell

SEPTEMBER 19, 2016:
Temple Of Baal Gateway Arch Is Going Up In New York Today

SEPTEMBER 19, 2016:
Justin Trudeau Hailed At UN in New York As 'Example' To The World
"I love him. I admire him. He is a wonderful young leader of this planet. He's an exceptional politician. He is giving an example to everyone in the world." - Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev

Trudeau on the so-called 'great reset', an eco-fascist system based on the demonization of carbon dioxide using climate change as the tool of fear, to rule over humanity with a carbon jackboot.
[4 min. in] World Economic Forum

The Dual Meaning of Prophecy Defined
Carbon is 6 protons, 6 neutrons & 6 electrons, the human body is carbon-based and cash is to be replaced with a carbon chip, a reverse currency based on C02, spend less to have more. Total inversion.

We're all reborn, that's just nature and most of the world knows it. But to carry a singular purpose through centuries is definitely supernatural.

William Cooper on Adam Weishaupt: 21:40:
"[Adam Weishaupt] taught that it might take hundreds of years in order to complete this conquest of the world, and he trained his followers and taught them a religion that even if they knew they would not see the completion of their goal in their lifetime, they would still struggle toward that end, believing that they would come back in another body, reincarnated, and ultimately see the fruition of their 'great work', so to speak." [Bill Cooper was shot & killed in front of his home shortly before 9/11/01, which he'd predicted; Alex Jones soon claimed he predicted it and that Bill Cooper was just a sloppy alcoholic; projection maybe?]

"Do you realize sufficiently what it means to rule - to rule in a secret society? Not only over the lesser or more important of the populace, but over the best of men, over men of all ranks, nations, and religions, to rule without external force, to unite them indissolubly, to breathe one spirit and soul into them, men distributed over all parts of the world? . . . And finally, do you know what secret societies are? What a place they occupy in the great kingdom of the world's events? Do you think they are unimportant, transitory appearances?" - Adam Weishaupt

"Weishaupt dictated as the basic principle of his order the maxim: “The end justifies the means.” He scorned all concepts of civilization, honesty, honor, decency, morality, ethics and humanity and cast them aside as the despised roots of the weakness that would betray mankind and its civilized adversaries into the hands of the conspirators...

Not only did thousands of leading Europeans enter the Order, but the smartest heads in economy, politics and culture also entered the Order. The "Encyclopedists" Voltaire and Rousseau joined and played a large role in the propaganda leading to the French Revolution, which was engineered by the Order. In Germany Goethe, Engel and Karl Marx joined the Order. Marx's "Communist Manifesto" was directly plagiarized from Weishaupt's teachings and writings...

The ultimate goal was to reduce human interest to a point where they would agree to anything, therefore setting the stage for a One World Leader. Nobody would care, and the few remaining opponents would be easily eliminated..." - Worldwide Evil and Misery: The Legacy of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines by Robert de Ruiter

Myron Fagan was a scriptwriter who worked at Joe Kennedy's move studio and was privy to secret meetings of the Illuminati. He later left his profession to devote his life to exposing them. The Illuminati created communism, socialism, fascism, liberalism, all the isms to divide & conquer the world. His four hour 1967 lecture explains it all...
The transcript of his lecture:
The Illuminati and the CFR

Justin Trudeau & Adam Weishaupt. . .
"I said, "Why would [the antichrist] be playing with the weather patterns?" And I was told that if he can make us hungry enough, by destroying the bread belt, we'll sell our soul for a loaf of bread."
- Dr. Heather Harder, interviewed by Sean Stone

Fascbook censored my posts on Adam & Justin...

China's Weather Modification Technology Used In Canada 2021

Farming in Canada
"Agriculture is an important sector of Canada's economy. ... Among Canada's top agricultural products are canola, cattle and calves, beef and veal, vegetables and poultry. Canadian companies export crops, meat, maple syrup and many other products. Canada is a top exporter of agricultural products in the world."

Chief Adviser For A UN Children's Program Has Been Convicted & Jailed For Pedophilia

"Peter Dalglish [is] an order of Canada recipient, and an Ex chief advisor for the United Nations Child Labour Program. He has quite the resume, apart from being a senior UN official he founded the charity known as "Street Kids International."

Walkom: Justin Trudeau is not the anti-Christ
The would-be Liberal leader is irritatingly short on content but, yes, he can connect.

Devilish advice for Justin Trudeau

Canada's new Prime Minister is like the most handsome and charismatic politician I've ever seen and yet nobody mentions any possibility that he is the antichrist? What do you think?

Justin Trudeau has a tattoo of the globe dominated by a Haida raven. . .

The Haida Tribe
"Like other north coast peoples, the Haida believed that the souls of the deceased travelled first to the sky world in their cycle of reincarnation."

What does the raven represent in the Haida story?

"The Haida people strongly believed in reincarnation and they believed that when someone dies, the soul transforms into a spirit."

Justin's younger brother Michel was also born on December 25th and had the same tattoo. Michel perished in an avalanche in 1998 and his body was never found.

Trudeau Demands Papal Apology On Canadian Soil For Unmarked Indigenous Graves

Check out the power dynamic... the Antichrist has compassion for all, except when he doesn't.

Truth shall make us free if enough good people know it. But good christians are too busy being fatalistic and waiting to be beamed up to Heaven for accepting Jesus as their Lord & Savior, to spread knowledge that can save the world. What Would Jesus say?

Justin Trudeau was born December 25, 1971, son of a Jesuit

Jesus or Nimrod?
The True Meaning of Christmas

NIMROD - The LORD of Christmas

Is Nimrod/Baal the Antichrist?

Nimrod the Antichrist

The Return of Nimrod?

"Nimrod started the great organized worldly apostasy from God that has dominated this world until now. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. After Nimrod's death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. She claimed a full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life of the dead Nimrod. On each anniversary of his birth, she claimed, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts upon it. December 25th, was the birthday of Nimrod. This is the real origin of the Christmas tree."

Predictive programming? Art imitating life? Damien Thorne was also born in 1971. . .
The Omen: 1976
"[F]ive-year old Damien violently resists entering a church"

Meet The Prime Minister-Elect Of Canada
This is the man who will lead his country along a path of judgment.  He will make Canada the final nation on planet Earth to abandon Israel and support dividing God's Promised Land. "Sunny ways, my friends, sunny ways." - Trudeau, in a subtle reference to Lucifer?

DISTURBING: Trudeau Liberals Vote AGAINST Motion Calling For ISIS Fighters To Be Prosecuted

Trudeau: "Christians are the worst part of Canadian society

A quick list of Justin Trudeau's tyrannical acts against life, family, and Christians

Trudeau's Discriminatory Values Test is Anti-Christian

Independent UK:
Most bestiality is legal, declares Canada's Supreme Court

PJ Media:
Justin Trudeau Puts Pro-Lifers on Notice that Their Views Won't Be Tolerated in Public

Justin Trudeau confirmed to be in the Satanist Illuminati

Justin Trudeau A MK Ultra Mind Control Victim?

John Brennan: Trudeau, Macron and Merkel "Principled Leaders Doing What's Right"

Canada's Trudeau Hijacks Armistice Centenary to Make Thinly Veiled Attack on Trump

Hillary Begs Canada to 'Bring Us Back to Our Senses' While Claiming Country Should Serve as Model for US

The New American:
At "World Government Summit," Top Globalists Drop The Mask

Creepy "World Government Summit" Targets America, Freedom

Lucifer Instrument Helps Astronomers See Through Darkness to Most Distant Observable Objects
"Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research"

Canada Free Press:
Two-thirds call irregular border crossings a 'crisis', more trust Scheer to handle issue than Trudeau

Those in public office & holding jobs at the UN Providing Cover For Pedophiles Should Be Booted Out

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is headed for October's federal election with a jailed pedophile riding on his coat tails.

"It's high time for society to drain the swamp that protects UN predators rather than the children they abuse. Those in public office & holding jobs at the UN Providing Cover For Pedophiles Should Be Booted Out."

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Buying the Media In Time for 2019 Election

Bono Warns That Existence of UN, EU and NATO Threatened
"Bono said he just came back from Canada and praised Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as "a remarkable leader who's put together the most diverse Cabinet on the planet. "That Canada is nice is the worst thing I can say about them," he said. . ."The United Nations is the conscience of our humanity," he said. "In these troubled and uncertain times, as a global island we want to play our part in defending, supporting and promoting its values."


Paul Joseph Watson:
Justin Trudeau is a Complete Idiot

"You Are A FRAUD!" Smart Woman EXPOSE Justin Trudeau In HEATED Argument

TRUDEAU'S CRIMES: The (Unfinished) Litany Of PM Justin Trudeau's Many Crimes Against Canada. . .

Tom Quiggin, court certified security expert, Trudeau is illegally funding Islamic terror 4K

Justin Trudeau Shows his Contempt for Men at#G20Summit

Justin Trudeau, United Nations & 10 Point Plan to Erode National Sovereignty

"His Ideas Are Idiotic" Jordan Peterson DESTROYS Justin Trudeau


Can Prophecy be changed

Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony, New World Order Illuminati Ritual

Lucifer invoked at the Vatican


Justin Trudeau Levies Carbon Tax On Rebellious Canadian Provinces

Fraud: Trudeau Uses Photo Of Forest Fire Caused By Wind Turbine Construction Project To Sell His Carbon Tax Scam

Toronto Named as the Heartland of the Radical Climate Revolution

Canada's Prime Minister Leading the Charge To Steal U.S. Sovereignty
Heads up to President Donald Trump
* The refugee concept is extended to people affected by climate change and environmental destruction.
* Every four years starting in 2019, a global refugee forum will check and produce an index for how each country has lived up to the agreement's obligations.
* A global academic network with universities, academic associations and research institutes will be established to create opportunities for refugees for education, research and scholarships.
* Promote a positive attitude towards refugees being transferred from one country to another.

Globalism Is Anti-Christ, Demonic, Theologians Argue

"UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information and all human beings in the world. INVENTORY AND CONTROL."
~ Rosa Koire, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21

"Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class - involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air-conditioning, and suburban housing - are not sustainable. Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" - Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme & architect of the UN Oil for Food Scandal

"Maurice Strong was a pioneer of sustainable development who left our country and our world a better place." - PM Justin Trudeau

"Canada is the first non-Nation State in the world" - Justin Trudeau

"There's level of admiration I actually have for China. because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime." - Justin Trudeau

"We join the people of Cuba today in mourning the loss of this remarkable elder." - Justin Trudeau

"Fidel Castro's legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights." - Donald Trump

Since public school is a cruel joke, most of the world still doesn't know the deeper truth, that Illuminati banksters were behind all sides of the world wars. Once they got their puppet Woody Wilson to approve the Federal Reserve & IRS in 1913 they had endless funds for war and the long-range goal of world conquest and VOILA! The world war count-up was born. General Patton discovered the truth and promised to expose them when he got back to the states, but he died after a fender bender in France where no one else was hurt; he was taken to a hospital with a somehow shattered spine, tortured with fish hooks under the skin of his face to 'support' his spine before dying. LINK

"There are more things in Heaven & Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
The birth charts of both Justin Trudeau & Adam Weishaupt. . .

Mars in both charts is at 29 degrees Pisces. Highly unusual.

Justin Trudeau's Natal BirthPrint. . .