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"[N]one of us so much as know our letters in the stars yet - or seem likely to do it in this state of existence - and few languages can be read until their alphabets are mastered."~ Charles Dickens

THE 3 Essential Basics of Astrology:

Imagine your mind as a melody..

The PLANETS are the notes
The ASPECTS are their arrangements
The SIGNS are the instruments

As notes form the foundation of a melody, planets form the foundation of the psyche. A melody is created by the arrangement of the notes, just as a personality is created by the arrangement of the planets - called aspects. The aspects/arrangements strengthen, stress & harmonize the planets' dynamics. And just as instruments color a melody with personality, signs color the psyche in the same way, symbolized by the elements fire, earth air & water. (the sun & moon are referred to as planets for convenience)


SUN: will ~ vitality ~ purpose ~ ego
MOON: intuition ~ instinct ~ feelings ~ reactions
MERCURY: intellect ~ reasoning ~ verbal expression ~ discernment
VENUS: desire ~ magnetism ~ creative/procreative expression
MARS: drive ~ assertion ~ stamina ~ physical/sexual expression
JUPITER: principle ~ aspiration ~ optimism ~ faith
SATURN: purpose ~ ambition ~ discipline ~ restriction
URANUS: ingenuity ~ deeper/higher intellect ~ genius/eccentricity
NEPTUNE: inspiration ~ deeper/higher intuition ~ imagination/escapism
PLUTO: insight ~ transformation ~ deeper/higher will ~ regenerative/degenerative

CONJUNCTION (0 degrees): integration; strengthening
SEXTILE (60 degrees): facilitation; fortifying
SQUARE (90 degrees): tension; challenging
TRINE (120 degrees): flow; harmonious
QUINCUNX (150 degrees): drive; readjustment
OPPOSITION (180 degrees): imbalance; oppositional

ARIES: impulsive ~ headstrong ~ playful ~ independent
TAURUS: stubborn ~ sensual ~ loyal ~ hard-working
GEMINI: communicative ~ mercurial ~ adaptable ~ highstrung
CANCER: sensitive ~ moody ~ dramatic ~ nurturing
LEO: strong-willed ~ dramatic ~ creative ~ affectionate
VIRGO: analytical ~ practical ~ hard-working ~ highstrung
LIBRA: artistic ~ fair-minded ~ idealistic ~ attractive
SCORPIO: intense ~ private ~ willful ~ passionate
SAGITTARIUS: philosophical ~ optimistic ~ adventuresome ~ athletic
CAPRICORN: ambitious ~ hard-working ~ determined ~ competitive
AQUARIUS: inventive ~ rebellious ~ independent ~ philosophical
PISCES: imaginative ~ intuitive ~ sensitive ~ dramatic

Math is another good analogy.. knowing only your sun sign equates to single digit addition, while knowing the Planets, Aspects & Signs equates to basic math - a short but profound leap in knowledge. And like math, we can learn the basics and do just fine, or we can explore it further, finding ever more complexity buried in the numbers.
Like the atom, the planets signify the electromagnetic foundation all life, while the aspects indicate how the planetary energies interact, depending on their distance The signs are the elements of fire, earth, air & water that infuse the planets with personality. Once you're comfortably familiar with the functions of the planets, aspects & signs, you will soon see yourself and others in a new and deeper way that's actually as eternal as time.


A birth chart is a map of your psyche that displays the PLANETS, ASPECTS & SIGNS. Unfortunately a standard birth chart is impossible for anyone but an astrologer to read. So in 1994 I designed the easy-to-read BirthPrint that uses planetary graphics in place of glyphs. And once you learn the 3 basics you can begin to read it yourself!

A standard birth chart & a BirthPrint


PLANETS: Essential psychological dynamics;
ASPECTS: Connect planet dynamics;
SIGNS: General elemental personality (fire, earth, air, water)

PLANETS: Essential psychological dynamics of each individual;
ASPECTS: Connect planet dynamics between individuals;
SIGNS: General elemental compatibility/incompatibility (fire, earth, air, water)

[the transiting planets above to the stationery planets within]
PLANETS: Essential dynamics of action/events/change;
ASPECTS: Track activity & change points of planet dynamics;
SIGNS: Elemental qualities of time period (fire, earth, air, water)

"Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them." ~
Nikola Tesla


"The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still parts. The sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver forever. Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time." ~ D.H. Lawrence

With your first breath, your mind is imprinted with the dynamic celestial pattern above - your 'birthprint'. A kind of alchemy, as yet unknown, determines this crystallizing moment. Then throughout your lifetime the transiting planets above form connections to the stationary planets within at specific degrees of distance, through the conduits known as 'aspects'. Aspects are formed at specific degrees of distance, like the 'opposition' at 180 degrees distance. An opposition between two planets has a see-saw, push-pull effect, first one way, then the other. Unbalanced. But that's just one - there are fun ones too.

The aspects form repeating patterns of long and short cycles of time - cycles within cycles, easily known by observing the motions of the planets above. These days we can observe them on the computer, though it's always good to stargaze. The bible refers to life cycles as 'a time to reap and a time to sow', but it leaves out the science.

We're intimately familiar with our inner dynamics experientially, and even how the cycles of time affect us individually, to a point. But most of us have no idea we're as readable as an open book. And like reading words, reading planets expands your world in amazing ways. And you'll know how before you begin the third chapter of this book. Because it's really simple. I promise! You're already getting it, you just don't trust that it's really that simple. You will.


The three levels of the mind, or psyche, as defined by Carl Jung, are conscious, personal unconscious and collective unconscious. For the sake of simplicity we'll refer to them as conscious, subconscious and unconscious. The 10 planets represent these three levels of consciousness.

The five planets closest to the Sun represent the conscious mind, where we dwell at all times but sleep.

While Jupiter and Saturn represent the subconscious, the recorder of all events and stimuli, assessing and addressing and storing the data for future retrieval.

The unconscious is represented by Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the furthest three planets from the Sun. The unconscious is our 'Deeper Self' who knows All and is the foundation of our highest Reality The unconscious is the road less traveled, the path to enlightenment and the key to true happiness, if we leaarn to listen within.

Aspects are conduits from your conscious mind to your subconscious and unconscious, revealing all your strengths and challenges so you may more smoothly become all that you are.

We'll examine the conscious, subconscious and unconscious in more depth, then move on to the planets' individual functions..

(sun moon mercury venus mars)
The conscious mind is thought and actions, desires and dreams, hopes and fears and every interaction we make. It's our direct experience of life and the surface story of everything. It's where we spend our waking time, all the time. The conscious mind leads to direct and powerful connections to the unconscious by way of the aspects. There's tremendous potential for creative growth through conscious connections to the sub & unconscious. But without conscious self awareness the unconscious impulses can lead to dramatically wrong choices, creating unwanted drama, which is often and wrongly blamed on outside circumstances. Though it may often seem like they're beyond our control, we attract those circumstances as a result of our subconscious state of mind, which leads to our actions, which leads to the consequences. Even illness, sad to say. Sometimes it's quick and sometimes it takes awhile, but sooner or later we always attract what we expect and what we take action - or inaction - towards. Procrastination can be as damaging to dreams as any reckless or unconscious action. And as the saying goes, 'change your mind and change your life' - easier said than done, for sure, but if that's what's required, it's well worth the effort. The key is to be consciously aware of your subconscious impulses, programmed like a computer throughout your life, and to re-program it when necessary.

The mind is like the ocean and the surface is the conscious mind, gleaming in the sunlight, waves cresting and receding, gripping the shores in the moon's rhythmic motion. Beneath the surface lies the infathomable depth of all there is. It offers bits of its bounty when we seek it, yet remains a mysterious treasury of truth of eons past. We set sail on the surface and hope for the best, enjoying the ride when we can, and prepared (or not) for the storms ahead. It's not so bad, after all, but what might we discover in the deep if only we dare?

(jupiter saturn)
The subconscious mind perceives everything in our world we're not consciously aware of - which is almost everything. It's our basic instinct and it remembers everything we've ever seen, felt, thought and done. It's the subtext and it colors our conscious responses. Everything we've experienced in life is filtered through and stored in the subconscious. It defines self through sense memory, but it doesn't judge, it only records - we do the judging through conscious connections. Psychotherapy methods attempt to overwrite or erase what's useless and damaging in the subconscious, especially from childhood. Early sensory memory is its base programming and it's strengthened by repetition. The event itself can be different, but when it makes you feel the same as one or more previous events, it reinforces your emotional/reactive/responsive programming, which expands or contracts, according to the data. So, to re-program you have to know what you're dealing with, first and foremost - to make it conscious. Knowing the source of faulty programming can be enough to begin to change it. And your planetary dynamics are the window into your programming and the surest way to gain insight.

The subconscious never sleeps, never. Even in our dreams, the subconscious is at work, sorting out our conscious experiences and showing us signposts along the way, if only we pay attention. And when it has to do the work of the conscious mind, it very rarely does it well. That's how accidents happen. Think about it - whenever you have an accident, large or small, it's always because you're careless or distracted or in the wrong place at the wrong time, if even for a second - if it happens to be the wrong second. A time to reap, a time to sow, a time to severely stub your toe? Not necessarily! The subconscious is programmed to some extent with data from painful early experiences, which creates an irrational fear response to a falsely perceived threat, often leading to unwanted results. Timing is the other part of the picture. For instance, though many accidents are caused by others' actions, the choice to be in that place at that time is still your own. Still, it's the conscious mind that calls the shots, though always by way of your subconscious programming (and unconscious impulses). The subconscious is memory, not intellect - it relies on the conscious mind to take reasoned actions. So if you want the best results, be fully conscious of your deeper motivations and the rest will follow.

(uranus neptune pluto)
The unconscious mind is Purpose with a capital P. It's unfazed by the issues of daily life that the conscious and subconscious are busy tending to. Its Purpose is to be Creative, leading to Change, Growth and Wisdom. The unconscious knows all and is known by all - it's the 'still voice within', though many of us choose to ignore it. Yet even ignored it works its magic in our lives. When we're consciously aware of our unconscious impulses, we can make amazing use of them, but when we're not, they kick our butt until we are - sometimes collectively - whatever it takes to deepen and expand. Like the subconscious, the unconscious relies on the conscious mind to make reasoned choices and take calculated actions to make the most of our profoundest impulses, through time and opportunities. If life is a picture show we write as we go, we surely intend to play our parts well when we begin. But it's easy to get sidetracked and forget our chosen purpose - many of us do. So the unconscious serves to remind us and help us get back on the creative track, and creativity equals growth.

When you intimately understand your own dynamics, you can do amazing things with them, enabling powerful unconscious forces to express themselves consciously and creatively. It's a scary thought that we have far more control over our lives than we're led to believe, but it's also profoundly empowering, once you adapt to the idea. If there is a Supreme Power, it may be one of benign neglect, as we make our own way by our thoughts and actions, guided by the matrix of planetary motion. If it's not all about free will, what's the point? That's not to say we don't get assistance when we seek it - there's great truth in the statement 'ask and ye shall receive', but that, too, is a choice. So with all that in mind, the surest way to effectively dip in deep and not be sucked under is to know your psychic territory. Look at your BirthPrint for connections from conscious to subconscious and unconscious planets - these are your strengths, so make them work for you by always letting your conscious mind lead the way.

Now let's delve one by one into the deep mists of planetary emanations...



will ~ vitality ~ purpose ~ ego ~ self image ~ impulse ~ consciousness ~ individuality ~ determination

The Sun symbolizes the core of your character, the centerpoint of consciousness. "As above, so below". It's the source of self-identity and it casts its light over the entire personality. Your Sun sign is your center of operation. And though the other planets have dominant roles when their positions demand it, the Sun ultimately calls all the shots. It's the Captain Kirk of your enterprise, and the relationships it forms with the planetary crew determine the basic storyline and the direction of your journey. Planets aspecting the Sun, especially the conjunction, are prominently expressed in the personality. For instance, Sun aspecting expansive Jupiter is cheerful and optimistic; Sun aspecting self-controlled Saturn is serious and determined; Sun aspecting magnetic Venus is attractive and charming; Sun aspecting transformative Pluto is intense and perceptive. Each aspect to the Sun gives a layer of complexity, and the Sun's sign gives color to their expression. Aspects to the Sun are very important and prominent in the personality, as is the sign the Sun occupies at birth.


intuition ~ instinct ~ feelings ~ reactions ~ emotional expression ~ personality ~ attachment ~ bodily function ~ habits ~ nurturing ~ memory

The Moon is the seat of the emotions, the planet by which you intuit your surroundings. Like the Moon in the sky, the Moon in your psyche responds to the Sun's movements, and lends texture and feeling. Without the Moon to move us, life would lack the changing tides of emotion, and emotion leads to all that's good, when we let it. In the end (before the next beginning), all that's left of life is emotional experience, and the Moon supplies the subtext. Even when all memory is gone, emotion remains. The Moon sign determines how you relate to others instinctively, and the aspects to the Moon indicate what strengths and challenges you may have in your relationships and how and what you seek for emotional fulfillment. For instance, Moon aspecting abundant Jupiter is emotionally expansive; Moon aspecting repressed Saturn is emotionally reserved; Moon aspecting magnetic Venus is warm and inviting; Moon aspecting transformative Pluto is emotionally intense; and all those planets aspecting the Moon would naturally make for a lot of high emotion and inner tension. The more aspects a planet has to other planets, the more complex and prominent in the psyche it becomes. And of course the Moon's sign colors its expression.


intellect ~ reasoning ~ verbal expression ~ discernment ~ perception ~ analysis ~ communication

Mercury is the planet of intellect and communication and your approach to organizing your thoughts and your life. It indicates how you process information and your manner of communication. Mercury is key to understanding your thinking processes. Lack of understanding can lead to chronic mistakes in judgment. To again use a Trekkian analogy, Mercury is your trusty Spock. It's how you mentally filter your experience. You believe what your mind tells you, so it's best to have a handle on the quality of the information processor of your psyche, so you know when to trust your own perceptions and when to seek second opinions. A strong mind is often indicated by conjunction aspects from Mercury to subconscious and unconscious planets. For instance, Saturn conjunct Mercury is reserved and disciplined; Jupiter conjunct Mercury is expressive and upbeat; Uranus conjunct Mercury is ingenius and disruptive; Pluto conjunct Mercury is intense and probing. Mercury is never more than one sign from the Sun, and when the Sun and Mercury are in the same sign, which they often are, it indicates a certain singlemindedness from the combined focus of the ego and the intellect.


desire ~ magnetism ~ creative/procreative expression ~ attraction ~ charm ~ beauty pleasure ~ affection ~ romance ~ magnet

Venus is the planet of receptivity, magnetism and romance, and your longing for an ideal, in yourself and others. Venus delights in beautiful sights, sounds and smells, and beauty being a subjective thing, the placement of Venus indicates who and what you're drawn to. Desire is the keyword that best describes Venus - it drives you to attract, like a magnet, what brings you joy and to share it with others, because Venus seeks union with an ideal. Venus and Mars together are the dynamics behind procreation - the impulse that leads to love and babies. Magnet and steel. Venus also indicates the ways you choose to be creative. Creativity is a healthy, reliable way to express your Venus - without it you're more vulnerable to quick fixes - whatever promises some pleasure and serenity in the short term. So even when your love life is far from ideal, being passionately creative will satisfy your longings with no negative side effects (like extra pounds & morning regrets). Lovers may come and go, but creative self expression is yours forever and vital to keep the fruits of your Venus sweet.


drive ~ assertion ~ stamina ~ physical/sexual expression ~ force ~ power ~ competition ~ initiative ~ courage ~ steel

Mars makes love and war and whatever else involves willful assertion of energy. You draw from Mars whenever you take physical action, both calculated and spontaneous. Bodily motion is Mars in action. Mars supplies you with your quality of movement - it's the motor of our purpose and ambition. Aspects to Mars indicate how the action flows. For instance, Saturn aspecting Mars indicates resistance to taking action; Jupiter aspecting Mars indicates high energy and endurance; Neptune aspecting Mars indicates a graceful quality to movement; Pluto aspecting Mars indicates intense focus and will when taking action. The sign Mars is in doesn't change these basic inclinations, it only colors their expression.



principle ~ aspiration ~ optimism ~ faith ~ confidence ~ benevolence ~ growth ~ wisdom ~ benevolence ~ expansion
Sounds of Jupiter!

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, expanding whatever area of the psyche it touches by aspect. Jupiter expands the ego when it aspects the Sun; expands the emotions when it aspects the Moon; expands the mind when it aspects Mercury; expands the capacity to give when it aspects Venus; and expands physical stamina when it aspects Mars. Jupiter is the planet of joy and optimism and you're put directly in touch with its magic through aspects to your conscious planets. Every planet Jupiter aspects has a joyous opportunity to expand, which benefits others as well as the self and should be utilized as often as possible. The challenging aspects - the square, quincunx & opposition - can lead to carelessness or overindulgence through overenthusiasm, but recognition of this potential gives you the power to consciously control the dynamic. Jupiter expands whenever and wherever its bright light shines.


purpose ~ ambition ~ discipline ~ restriction ~ temperance ~ insecurity ~ effort ~ endurance ~ persistence ~ stability ~ consolidation ~ responsibility ~ contraction

Sounds of Saturn!

Where Jupiter is benevolence, Saturn is tough love. Saturn is the planet of limitations, restricting whatever area of the psyche it touches by aspect. Saturn is the Great Doubter and whatever planets it aspects are areas where there will be a sense of lacking that inspires a drive to overcome it, a surrendering to feelings of inadequacy, or a vacillating between both - the choice is always yours. Saturn's purpose is to build strength and fortitude, which often happens through adversity. And the adversity often takes place within, through self-doubt. If you're inclined to reflect on reincarnation, Saturn would be the unfinished business you bring into each life. Early in life Saturn is activated by all manner of people perceived as 'authorities', from whom you develop your first ideas about your own inadequacies, right or wrong. So the key to freedom from Saturnian self-doubt is simply to view every obstacle as an opportunity, because that's what it is. It's not the universe dumping on you, it's the simple law of attraction. You attract what you expect and what you require, and you have free will to change both to your benefit. I doubt if self doubt disappears completely, but self confidence does grow when it's properly fed and watered, until it takes up most of your head space. But that's no secret if you've read The Secret. Saturn is the central component of life's purpose, the driving force of cause and effect. Consequences are its stock in trade. Work is its mode of operation, as nothing worthwhile comes easy. Saturn has a dark reputation, but only because you can't hide from it or ignore its demands. It demands responsible action, or else. Without it, there would be no justice and no rewards to the worthy. With Saturn, you always reap what you sow, even if you don't remember when or what you planted. It presents 'obstacles' your past actions (or inactions) helped erect, which you have the choice of patiently dismantling until you're free, or covering with defeatist graffiti as a monument to your failure. The choice is always yours, and Saturn wouldn't have it any other way.



ingenuity ~ deeper/higher intellect ~ genius/eccentricity ~ abstract reasoning ~ innovation ~ freedom ~ revolution ~ ~ rebellion ~ reform ~ independence ~ originality ~ gestalt

Sounds of Uranus!

Uranus aspects are your hook-up to the Big Picture screen, enabling you to see beyond appearances, to the logical core of things. When Uranus aspects conscious planets it brings its dynamics directly into your conscious life. Uranus jolts you with sudden understanding, and Uranian insights are by nature ahead of their time, which is great when they're welcomed by open minds, but are seen as a threat to the status quo. Uranian types get great satisfaction from disrupting the status quo, which invariably inspires the appreciation of other Uranian types and the fear and contempt of more Saturnian types. Uranus is naturally disruptive, so always expect the unexpected in the areas it touches. Uranian aspects to conscious planets create a nearly irresistible impulse to be contrary. So if you have a prominent Uranus you'll probably let it run a little wild, unless you've got some dominant Saturnian impulses to subdue it. Uranus' purpose is to disrupt crystallized perceptions in order to spur growth, ready or not, which usually involves others as well as oneself. And once you learn to go with the flow it's a helluva ride. Uranus is the planet of the inventor for good reason - inventors think in new ways, which is what Uranus is all about.


inspiration ~ deeper/higher intuition ~ imagination/escapism ~ spirituality ~ illusion ~ psychic impulse ~ creativity ~ idealism ~ transcendance

Sounds of Neptune - really!

Neptune is the planet of soaring imagination and inspired emotion. It guides the artists of the world, who bring its gifts through their inspired expression. Neptune is almost always prominent in musicians' BirthPrints, for instance. Music is the universal language of Neptune. When you hear a song that moves you, that's Neptune. Whenever you're inspired from the heart to the head by any art form, you experience the magic of Neptune, whether you're the creator or the listener/observer. Neptune opens your spiritual channels, whether you think in spiritual terms or not. It's all about inspiration. The downside of Neptune is the potential for escapism, which is born of unfullfilled longing. Many people use mind-altering means to seek a better connection to their Neptune dynamic, which is perfectly natural in moderation and has been practiced since man began. Many artists are inspired this way, but others can get lost, preferring to live their lives in their minds and forsaking all else, which soon creates havoc through neglect of the creative and practical aspects of life. As with all the planets, Neptune has a high expression and a low expression and everything in-between. The highest expression of Neptune is inspired creativity, the lowest expression is self-destructive escapism. And as with all the planets, you always have the final say. Think of the planets as actors and you're their director. The more prominent the actors are, the more tempting it is to let them run the show, but that can throw off the rest of the cast and cause the whole production to suffer. So bring out the best in your actors by all means, but always remember who's in charge - YOU.


insight ~ transformation ~ deeper/higher will ~ regenerative/degenerative ~ power ~ rebirth ~ deeper purpose

Pluto is the Phoenix in all of us, the will to rise from the ashes. Pluto is always intense and purposeful - its purpose being complete transformation. Pluto is never easy, but it's always effective. When Pluto aspects a conscious planet there's tremendous magnetism and strength of will. Pluto always gets noticed, and a little goes a long way, so the key to mastering Pluto is temperance. It's a great emotional force to be reckoned with, and when unleashed it can overwhelm others, so self-control is key. Those with a conscious Pluto (meaning pluto aspects one or more of their conscious planets) freely access their intense Pluto energy and generally aren't phased by other intense Pluto types, but those with an unconscious Pluto can feel threatened when a Pluto type lets loose. Where does all this intensity come from? Pluto, when it aspects conscious planets, brings upheavals early in life that trigger a profound sense of powerlessness that creates a deep need to transform into a master of your own soul and surroundings. It drives you forward, often compulsively, often with dramatic results. Pluto is a dynamic of tremendous creative and destructive power. And as always, the choice is yours.

Now you are functionally familiar with the planets, and on your way to getting the inside scoop on everyone, and most importantly, yourself. Though the planets each function separately, they also function together, like any group of sentient beings. And also like any group, there's both harmony and discord, and they're all part of the whole of your psyche and ultimately under your control. Once you're comfortably familiar with the planets, aspects & signs you'll recognize the subtle differences within yourself and in those you know, too. You'll be most aware of your different dynamics during times of acute inner conflict, for instance if your heart (moon) and your head (mercury) are at odds (square or opposition). Some are born with this aspect and deal with it on a regular basis, poor babies, while for everyone it's periodically triggered by the transiting planets above. The planets, aspects & signs combine in endless, readable ways that form the unique choreography of every individual, much like DNA does. And what determines the range from harmony to discord is the next component of the 3 basics, the aspects..

"The controls of life are structured as forms and nuclear arrangements, in a relation with the motions of the universe." ~ Louis Pasteur



At birth, your mind is imprinted with the planetary pattern above. In that moment a dynamic matrix is formed by lines of force called aspects, which connect the planetary dynamics at specific degrees of distance. This matrix is illustrated as your BirthPrint (birth chart/horoscope). Aspects are artery-like conduits that strengthen, strain, enhance or inhibit the planets' essential dynamics. Everyone is a mixed bag of dynamics of greater and lesser strength, and the intriguing BirthPrints we'll be analysing will show us the various ways the aspects play out. A BirthPrint is simply the map, so you can better navigate. With people as with places, a map is an empowering tool to better know the territory. Without a map we stumble along with no clear overview, not fully sure of where we are or what's ahead. And just as a map of the earth displays the relationship between lakes and oceans, hills and valleys and fertile and dry land, your BirthPrint does essentially the same thing. It displays the planets' relationships to each other through the aspects - ego and emotion, intellect and aspiration, desire and discipline.. your unique psychic territory. Linking the raw material of planets through aspects is also akin to linking letters to form words, and both can tell the story of your life.

The function of the aspects is to connect and affect the planets' dynamics. There are 6 primary aspects:

CONJUNCTION (0 degrees): integration; strengthening (yellow)
SEXTILE (60 degrees): facilitation; fortifying (blue)
SQUARE (90 degrees): tension; challenging (red)
TRINE (120 degrees): flow; harmonious (green)
QUINCUNX (150 degrees): drive; readjustment (purple)
OPPOSITION (180 degrees): imbalance; oppositional (orange)

Aspects tie the planets together into a cohesive psychological structure. Every planetary aspect creates a psychological dynamic that must be expressed one way or another, from the highest to the lowest form, and the choice is always yours. Free will is always in play within any given set of circumstances, and the circumstances themselves are a result of past choices made with free will, whether or not you remember them. Let's examine the aspects in more detail..

The strongest aspect is the conjunction (0 degrees), which merges and strengthens the dynamics involved. Each of the planets involved becomes a greater force and focus. It can't be stressed enough that the conjunction is a profoundly powerful aspect.

The SEXTILE (60 degrees) is facilitative and brings confidence and ease of expression. It's both energizing and harmonizing and always a welcome addition.

The SQUARE (90 degrees) stirs a tension that pushes us forward with challenges throughout our lives. Almost everyone has at least one square between planets.

The TRINE (120 degrees) is the most relaxing and harmonious aspect. It gives a flowing ease of expression between planets.

The QUINCUNX (150 degrees) is a rare, complex aspect. It brings challenges throughout life, and is felt keenly within as a deep and restless drive.

The OPPOSITION (180 degrees), like the square, pushes us forward, often through confrontations, both within and without. It indicates an imbalance and a tendency to vascillate, swinging one way and then the other. The challenge is to try to find the balance within, which isn't easy, but it builds strength and insight over a lifetime.

The most empowering aspects are those between conscious and unconscious planets, like Sun conjunct Pluto, Moon square Neptune and Venus opposite Uranus. These aspects bring the stuff of the unconscious into conscious awareness, with powerful results. When the unconscious dynamics are consciously applied they're creative and empowering and often far-reaching. The aspects make this possible, whether they exist at birth or form in time from the planets above to the planets within. Those with conscious to unconscious aspects at birth consciously live and breath the unconscious and have tremendous and continuous opportunity for growth in whatever areas are indicated by the planets involved. The not-so good news is that unconscious power can be as destructive as it is creative. Those who remain unconscious of its force within their own psyche may let it run roughshod through reckless and other wrong actions. To stop this cycle of bad behavior they must become more aware of their power, learn to use it to their advantage and allow it to creatively flourish. Their loved ones will thank them!

Each aspect has a range of effect, called an 'orb'. For example, an exact square between planets is 90 degrees.. with an orb of 9 degrees, the square will occur between planets from 81 to 99 degrees of distance. The conjunction, square, trine & opposition all have a 9 degree orb, while the sextile has a 6 degree orb and the quincunx has a 2 degree orb. The orbs have been determined through thousands of years of celestial observation. There's still some disagreement among astrologers, though its generally minor. So it's wise to err on the side of caution and make exceptions when it seems appropriate - and there are always exceptions.

All aspects to the Sun are the most pronounced in the personality, as the Sun is the center of being; then the Moon, your emotional center; followed by Mercury, the intellect and information processer; and finally Venus & Mars, representing your desires and your means of taking action. Those are the conscious planets, and it bears repeating that conscious planets that aspect subconscious and unconscious planets present some powerfully creative potentials, particularly the conjunction. So don't let your unconscious call the shots without your conscious direction, which happens more than you might realize, creating painful chaos and havoc as it seeks a resolution. You can grow easy or you can grow hard, it's all within your conscious control, you just have to know it. Learn to recognize the deeper dynamics when they rise to the surface so you can consciously direct them to your great benefit.

In addition to your inner chemistry is your chemistry with others, or the lack of it. It's the coolest thing to really know the chemistry between people, which the aspects instantly reveal like an open book. Each of us is like a walking, talking solar system, interacting with other solar systems, with varying results. Concerning romance, the thing we're all most concerned with, when we're concerned at all, the strongest sexual chemistry aspects are between John's Venus and Yoko's Mars (or vice versa). The conjunction is always the strongest aspect, because it melds and expands the dynamics. (and yes, John & Yoko do have that magical Mars/Venus aspect). The type of aspect determines the quality and intensity, though any aspect is better than none. No aspects means no chemistry. We've all been attracted to someone we later lose complete interest in. That's because there was never any chemistry in the first place - the fleeting feelings were likely triggered by the planets above, not by the planets within. It was timing, not chemistry. Real chemistry lasts, and the aspects tell it like it really is, no matter what you might tell yourself.

The next significant romance aspects are between Juliet's Sun and Romeo's Moon (or vice versa), which signifies emotional chemistry, and as with all aspects, the conjunction is the strongest. Sun to Moon aspects are also good for friendships and parent/child relationships as well as romance. And Moon to Moon is an important gauge of whether your personal habits and emotional needs will be compatible. And Moon aspecting any of another's planets is always stimulating to the Moon person, though not necessarily the non-Moon person, since the Moon is sensitive to everything. For instance, Brad's Mars square Angelina's Moon.. The Moon is a vulnerable sponge for Martian aggression, leading to exciting sparks and wounded feelings. But making up is easy to do. And that's not just an example, it's a fact. There's an unusual number of explosive squares and oppositions between Pitt and Jolie.

Next is communication. Mercury to Mercury aspects indicate mental chemistry, an important component of most longterm relationships. A square from Mercury to Mercury, for instance, might indicate a tendency towards arguments or more positively, passionate collaboration - it's all in how you use it. And connections from Ralph's Mercury to Alice's sub- and unconscious planets will also factor in. Judging from his desire to send her to the Moon, I'd guess Alice's Pluto is sitting squarely on Ralph's Mercury, constantly reminding him with great mental anguish that she's the one with the real power.

All unconscious to conscious aspects (ie: Tarzan's Neptune to Jane's Moon or Wilma's Pluto to Fred's Venus) can indicate a profound connection with life-changing consequences. Again, though the conjunction is by far the strongest connection, every aspect brings something to the relational table. Those are just a few of the many aspects that form between two or more people; some are pleasurable, some are challenging and all are opportunities for growth. We'll explore relational chemistry more later, by probing a popular power couple or two.

The next application of the aspects, after psychology and relationship chemistry is, of course, Time, where aspects flow from the planets above to the planets within, endlessly forming and waning in cycles of greater and lesser intensity and potential. Aspects formed from the planets' cycles above to planets within are called transits, and they're fortunately completely predictable, so you can prepare for and take advantage of them. Transits essentially create the electromagnetic matrix of time as we experience it, in cycles. Telling planetary time is the most reliable way to lay your plans. It's well worth your while to know when important transits occur so you can make the most of them - like bringing an umbrella when the forecast says rain or packing a picnic when it's sunny. There are easy transits and challenging transits, facilitative and frustrating - that's life.. 'you're riding high in April, shot down in May'.. It's all part and whole of your evolution, so what are you going to do about it? The choice is always yours.

The transits (cycles above that connect to your planets within) from the slower moving, sub- and unconscious planets above (jupiter through pluto) to the planets within are times of transition and growth, occur cyclically from every 3 years (jupiter) to every 20 years (pluto) and last for anywhere from a month to 5 years. We've all heard of the '7 year itch', well that's a Saturn transit! Saturn transits occur in 7 year cycles, lasting from 3 months to a year, though most often they last about 6 months. Every Saturn transit is a time to reap what you've sown for the last 7 years and to re-evalute what's needed and what's not. And when we're aware of when they occur, it enables us to see events in their true light and make the best choices. This is true of all the planetary transits as they cycle through our lives.

One thing to keep in mind, with all the transits, is that there are multiple transits within any planetary cycle, as each planet above transits each planet within. For example, Saturn is a 7 year cycle, so it transits each of your planets every 7 years. The transits of your conscious planets are the most significant, because they involve conscious choices and experience. There are 5 conscious planets, so you'll experience the Saturn transit in 7 year cycles that occur at 5 different times (unless some or all your conscious planets are grouped together). And each transit stimulates different areas of your psyche, as defined by your conscious planets. For example, Saturn transits your Sun every 7 years, leading to a re-evaluation of your purpose in life; while Saturn transits your Venus every 7 years, leading to a re-evaluation of what you creatively (and procreatively) desire; and Saturn transits your Moon every 7 years, leading to a reevaluation of your emotional needs. Those transits may occur simultaneously, consecutively or separated by a couple or few years.

Where the slow-moving planets above bring meaningful opportunities and change, the fast-moving planets above (sun through mars) form brief and superficial connections to the planets within - the stuff of newspaper astrology.

In addition, all aspects between the slow moving, unconscious planets above to those within last for an extended time and are shared by all the people born within that period, which neatly explains the qualities unique to every generation. And it's worth noting that the only unconscious planet aspect that's been in effect for two thirds of the 20th century and is now in aspect again in the 21st, is Neptune sextile Pluto. It may be that it represents a transformation (pluto) of our collective spiritual perceptions (neptune), taking place over many years. Christianity, in particular, has gone through a profound crisis and transformation; while many new spiritual practices emerge to take its place; and the 'new age' has re-introduced the ancient concept of metaphysics to three new generations, with quantum physics now giving it scientific credibility! That's a huge, transformative step forward, though it's been met with suspicion and hostility by those who fear the change it so profoundly calls for. So change is slow, but we are moving forward.

Within this electromagnetic framework, free will reigns supreme.

So, astrology is not just the science of psychology, it's the science of interpersonal chemistry, where your planets aspect others' planets with predictable results; and of cycles of time and our dynamic connection to it, as our planets within are continually and predictably aspected by the moving planets above. There truly is 'a time to reap and a time to sow,' in endless, facilitative cycles. The truest timekeepers are the planets in our solar system - they're what the clock and calendar are historically based on.

The illustration above is an example of the concept that the whole of your psyche consists of separate parts that uniquely work together or at odds. The planets represent those parts and the aspects represent the quality of their working relationship. Above, the heart (moon) and the head (mercury) are in conflict, which happens to everyone on occasion. But those born with those planets in conflict at birth are challenged by it throughout their lives.


The aspect configurations above, when they occur, are clearly visible on a BirthPrint as connect-the-dots patterns. The planets involved in these patterns are highly significant in the life experience. Not everyone is born with one or more of the above configurations, though everyone experiences them at various points in time, when the planets above form the patterns with the planets within. The aspect configurations are as follows:

T-SQUARE: an opposition (180 degrees) and two squares (90 degrees)
GRAND CROSS: two oppositions (180 degrees) and four squares (90 degrees)
GRAND TRINE: three trines (120 degrees)
YOD: two quincunx (150 degrees) and one sextile (60 degrees)

A T-Square' brings challenges into the life in large and small cycles. When a transiting planet moves into the place that turns the t-square into a temporary grand cross, sh_t happens. The Moon triggers this event once a month throughout life, creating brief but intense dynamics, so it's helpful and simple to know when that occurs. And the slower planets trigger the grand cross over the course of months or years, bringing more sustained dynamics, usually along with life changes. A T-Square can be very productive and is a profound opportunity for growth throughout life.

A 'grand cross' has the effect of bringing many challenges into the lifetime for the purpose of accelerated growth. Tension is a familiar dynamic in those with a grand cross. It is truly a 'cross to bear', and when you rise to the challenges it presents, the rewards are rich and full.

A grand trine is a lifetime blessing in the areas indicated by the planets. It's common for those with a challenging life to also have a grand trine, which assists them so they're better able to bear the challenges. So a grand trine is always a welcome dynamic.

The yod is a rare system referred to as the 'Finger of Fate', as it brings powerful, deep, transformative experiences throughout life. It's said the yod is indicative of a powerful past life experience playing a primary role in the present life.

Something else to look out for are the planets with many aspects, also easy to spot as multiple lines running from a single planet (or 2 or more conjunct planets) to multiple other planets. Those are the dominant planetary dynamics for any particular BirthPrint. Some BirthPrints have one heavily aspected planet, others have two or more; some are fairly evenly distributed. Whatever the case, it's clearly evident at first glance at a BirthPrint.

In addition to the 6 major aspects there are 6 minor aspects that are often not considered at all, but which on occasion can be quite significant. The minor aspects often simply reinforce the major aspects, and they each have an orb of only 1-2 degrees. The minor aspects are as follows..

semi-sextile (30 degrees): 1/2 a sextile; like the sextile, facilitative & energizing

decile (no symbol - 36 degrees): 1/2 a quintile; partly developed creative uniqueness

semi-square (45 degrees): 1/2 a square, like the square, tense and frictional

quintile (72 degrees): 1/5 a circle; creative uniqueness

sesquiquadrate (135 degrees): mild tension

bi-quintile (144 degrees): 2/5 a circle; harmonizing; creative

Click here for an interesting and cohesive explanation of the aspects in relation to the circle.

We need not feel ashamed of flirting with the zodiac. The zodiac is well worth flirting with. ~ D.H. Lawrence



SIGNS are the 12 constellations that infuse our sky with human qualities. They act as a prism of personality traits that permeate the planets as they circle the solar system. Thousands of years of observation and application have made that clear. The 12 signs are divided into four elements: fire, earth, air and water. The elements' names are descriptive of their qualities: fire is passionate; earth is grounded; air is mental; & water is emotional. The four elements are divided into three triplicities: active, fixed and mutable, also with descriptive names: active is assertive; fixed is steady; & mutable is changeable. If you're confused, fear not, below is a keyword guide to clarify.

The elements are fundamental and generally unmistakable. I like to play 'Guess The Element', which helps me hone my perceptions. It's the Sun sign element I'm going for - the most prominent dynamic, though other planets can overshadow it on occasion. And it's fairly easy once you learn to recognize the clues. Group dynamics are especially fun. Look at the person in the center of everything and chances are s/he's either a fire sign or an air sign - either flaming or fanning the flames. And the ones clinging to the walls or engrossed in an intimate conversation are likely water, while the earth signs are circling the food table or helping to tidy up. That's a simplification, but the most profound truths are essentially simple. And astrology is all about essence.

The 12 signs and their elements & keywords are as follows:

ARIES: ACTIVE FIRE (assertive passionate)
impulsive ~ competitive ~ playful

TAURUS: FIXED EARTH (steady grounded)
nurturing ~ patient ~ sensual

GEMINI: MUTABLE AIR (changeable cerebral)
charming ~ witty ~ flirtatious

CANCER: ACTIVE WATER (assertive emotional)
sensitive ~ moody ~ intuitive

LEO: FIXED FIRE (steady passionate)
generous ~ creative ~ independent

VIRGO: MUTABLE EARTH (changeable grounded)
analytical ~ sensitive ~ particular

LIBRA: ACTIVE AIR (assertive cerebral)
gracious ~ appealing ~ fair-minded

SCORPIO: FIXED WATER (steady emotional)
intense ~ passionate ~ perceptive

SAGITTARIUS: MUTABLE FIRE (changeable passionate)
optimistic ~ generous ~ philosophical

CAPRICORN: ACTIVE EARTH (assertive grounded)
disciplined ~ ambitious ~ competitive

AQUARIUS: FIXED AIR (steady cerebral)
inventive ~ inventive ~ independent ~ open-minded

PISCES: MUTABLE WATER (changeable emotional)
imaginative ~ intuitive ~ sensitive

So as you can see, there's a perfect, neat logic to the zodiacal system.

And nothing compares to Linda Goodman's Sun Signs" in describing the signs of the zodiac, so I highly recommend you get a copy, because no one tells it better, not even close. And for immediate online sign gratification, I highly recommend the site Cafe Astrology, by astrologer Annie Heese, for a smorgasbord of solid and free astro info.


Below is a brief overview of each of the astrological signs. Your 'Sun sign' is the sign the Sun occupies at the time of your birth. The following descriptions refer to your Sun sign, but may also be applied to your Moon through Mars to a lesser extent. The sign your Sun is in at birth is generally the most prominent in your personality, though there are always exceptions, such as when another planet is conjunct your Sun, which will color your personality with the qualities of that planet to a certain extent. And here's a little fun fact: It's said each sign is its opposite inside-out, and you can detect it in some of their descriptive qualities. Opposite signs are in complimentary elements, so Aries opposite Libra is fire opposite air, while Taurus opposite Scorpio is earth opposite water, and so on through all the signs. Fire and air build on each other (male energy/aggressive) and earth and water support each other (female energy/passive). Though they're opposite, their dynamics are supportive. No wonder they attract!

ARIES (fire): The first sign of the zodiac expects to be first in all things. Aries must lead, always. No matter how timid Aries may seem initially, you'll soon learn that they are anything but. And their enthusiasm about life is contagious. Aries is a shot of adrenalin to any social gathering. They project their martian spirit into whatever circumstances they find themselves in.
(opposite sign: LIBRA)

TAURUS (earth): Ruled by the Earth, the Taurus personality is like a warm embrace. Lovers of pleasure and beauty, these bulls always know where you can find a great meal. If you seek comfort and tranquility, look to a Taurus, for their steadfast and placid ways never fail to calm a restless mind and spirit.
(opposite sign: SCORPIO)

GEMINI (air): You can easily spot Geminis in a crowd - they're the ones talking to everyone about anything. Mercury, the winged messenger, is their ruling planet, so it's their purpose to interact, inform, inquire. Symbolized by the twins, you can't pin them down to any one thing, nor would you want to. They bring the light of learning to the human table.
(opposite sign: SAGITTARIUS)

CANCER (water): While Geminis are flitting about the room, Cancer is clinging to the wall. Cancer the crab would rather just stay home, thank you. Nothing is so desireable to Moon ruled Cancer than home and family. They live to nurture, with powerful emotions as changeable as the phases of the moon. And when they shine, their loony laughter can light up the world.
(opposite sign: CAPRICORN)

LEO (fire): Ruled by the Sun, Leos naturally assume the world revolves around them. Leos bring sunshine to whatever space they occupy. And they can't help it if they know how great they are. Whether roaring or purring these lions make their presence known, to the fear or delight of the others in the jungle. They always mean well and their will and purpose is legendary.
(opposite sign: AQUARIUS)

VIRGO (earth): A quiet sensuality and gentleness mark the Virgo personality, but beneath that serene exterior is a mind like a steel trap. Nothing goes unnoticed in their Spock-logical brains. They listen and nurture and tend to the needed things. And as far as these wheatbearers are concerned, heaven is in the details.
(opposite sign: PISCES)

LIBRA (air): Matching Virgo in their gentle ways, Libra needs peace and tranquility or they can easily lose their equilibrium. Ruled by Venus and the Scales, Libra seeks balance in all things, and often finds it difficult to decide one way or the other, because they so clearly see both sides.
(opposite sign: ARIES)

SCORPIO (water): Blessed (or cursed) with a piercing intensity, Pluto ruled Scorpio simply must unearth everything that's hidden. Nothing is as it seems and Scorpio will prove it! It's said the Scorpian is the most sexually focused of the zodiac, because sexuality offers endless depths to those who seek it, and a bounty of treasure and transformation for the effort.
(opposite sign: TAURUS)

SAGITTARIUS (fire): The adventurers of the zodiac, Jupiter ruled Sagittarius is compelled to learn, explore and expand. Their fiery spirit ignites their surroundings. Honest to a fault, their bluntness can get them into trouble, but they only mean well in their many observations. The archers of the zodiac, their arrows pierce to the heart of things, to expose and enlighten.
(opposite sign: GEMINI)

CAPRICORN (earth): Look for the hardest worker in the room and it's likely to be Capricorn the goat. Serious and determined, their purpose in life is to accomplish their goals. Saturn ruled, it's said over time they become younger in spirit, as their determination to reach the mountain top gives way to a willingness to stop and smell the flowers.
(opposite sign: CANCER)

AQUARIUS (air): Growth and change is the driving purpose of the bearers of the water of knowledge. Uranian spirits, they can't be held back or tied down. Their will is matched by the Lion and equally determined. Humanitarian to the core, they can't help but see the Big Picture and are driven to contribute to its expansion.
(opposite sign: LEO)

PISCES (water): Neptunian dreamers, these fish swim in the waters of inspiration and lead us all by their example. Water ruled, they absorb their surroundings and their empathy is often the source of great pain. They make the best actors because they naturally put themseves in others' places, and the best poets because they're so close to the source of all our dreams.
(opposite sign: VIRGO)

Next we'll take a look at each sign's 'planetary ruler'. Each planet shares certain qualities with each sign (or two), a kind of fractal connection. So the planets 'rule' the signs rather than the other way around, just one more indication of who the top dog in astrology is. The planetary rulers are not a 'must know' ingredient, but it is helpful and interesting to know what your ruling planet is. Whenever a planet travels through the sign it rules, it tends to strengthen the dynamics of that planet, so it's said.

Since there are 12 signs and only 10 planets, two planets do double-ruler duty. Before the discovery of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, five planets did so. What's interesting and mysterious is that with each new planetary discovery in our solar system, the qualities of that planet are reflected in the types of events occuring on Earth at the time of the discovery, an example of what Jung called 'synchronicity'. When Uranus was discovered, science and new technologies were making strong advances; Neptune was discovered in 1846, during the rise of new spiritual concepts; and Pluto was discovered in 1930 with the advent of the atomic age, bringing the absolute power of both creation and destruction into our world.

I think it's ironic that now, during the most plutonic time in history, the early 21st century, Pluto would be demoted to a planetoid. It should be known far and wide that the decision to demote was an unpopular one made by a small minority of astronomers and may do far more harm than good, particularly to the science of astrology. Some day Pluto's value may be ignored and forgotten if this rule stands, denying us understanding of a key dynamic of our evolution. (And it's sadly synchronistic that the atomic, plutonic waste we're leaving the future of mankind may also be forgotten, causing profoundly more harm. But it doesn't have to be - we still have a choice!)

And It's now believed by many that the newest discovered planet, or planetoid(?), called Chiron, is the true ruler of Virgo. Virgo is currently co-ruled by Mercury, sharing that honor with Gemini. This new view of Virgo is by no means a consensus, though I personally think it fits. Chiron is called 'the wounded healer', and Virgo is known to have healing abilities through an instinctive sense of balance and order and the impulse to bring it about where its lacking - which is just about everywhere these days. So it makes sense that Chiron would be discovered in this time, when its dynamics are so relevant. Virgo is symbolized by the wheat bearer. Though some refer to her as the virgin, I think that misses the point. Virgo is an earth sign, and earth signs immerse themselves in earthly, sensory experience. It's also said that the symbol for Virgo represents the reproductive organs. Following earth sign Taurus, which relates to the direct experience of earthly things, earth sign Virgo seeks to understand them, while earth sign Capricorn seeks to control or master them. And Virgos are highly discriminating, but they're also deeply sensuous, which the label of 'virgin' unjustly denies. Some of the most sensuous women are Virgos. The wheat bearer brings nutrients, for mind and body, to the human table. So Chiron, the 'wounded healer', is at home in Virgo, while Mercury, the 'winged messenger', is happily alight in Gemini.

This leaves one last planet to complete the 12/12 balance. So what about Earth, which has strangely been left out of the party? It seems obvious to me, and to a growing number of others, that Earth is the ruler of Taurus, which is currently co-ruled by Venus, along with Libra. For instance, the symbol for Taurus is the bull, so consider the enormous influence the bull (and cow!) has on our earthly lives (ice cream!), more than any other single animal. Its influence is enriching in balance, but disasterous in excess. And the positive qualities of Taurus resemble those of the Earth: sensuous, lush, protective, sheltering, nurturing, offering comfort and the symbolic horn of plenty to serve all our basic needs.

Another clue is Earth's mythological connection to the Pleiades, located in the Taurus constellation. The Pleaides is referenced by every ancient culture in the world and is even mentioned in the Old Testament! ... "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?" And what of India's worship of the cow as sacred? India's 'Jyotisa', known here as 'vedic astrology', predates western astrology by thousands of years, so what do they know that we don't? As Shakespeare poetically put in the words of Hamlet, "There is more between Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than is dreamt of in your philosophy." It's also telling that the ancient symbol for the Earth is the inverted symbol for Venus. In mythology Earth is known as Venus' twin. Interestingly enough, the symbol for Earth has changed from a cross above a circle to a cross within a circle. It seems obvious to me that we've been steadfastly missing what's right in front of our eyes, which is also ironically one of Taurus' less appealing qualities, as is greed, another unfortunate human quality. Venus is also said to represent a paradise of earth-like qualities. So for all these reasons and more, it makes sense that Earth should be Taurus' natural ruler, leaving Libra alone to bask in Venus' beautiful rule.

I hope I've made the case that the signs and their planetary rulers could be considered balanced and complete. The beauty of astrology, as with all science, is there's always room to speculate, learn and grow.

With those points in mind, the 12 signs and their planetary rulers are as follows..

SUN rules LEO












The signs are personality traits first, last and always, from the most basic to complex expression. The signs are color, while the aspects are shape and the planets are form. Here is a simple example of how the planets, aspects & signs work together:

Sun conjunct Jupiter..

Sun (will;purpose) conjunct (integration) Jupiter (expansion;optimism)

Sun conjunct Jupiter indicates an optimistic and expansive will, no matter what sign it's in. The sign simply colors the expression.

So Aries Sun conjunct Jupiter will get seasons tickets and take you to every sporting event;
While Virgo Sun conjunct Jupiter will generously try to organize your life;
And Taurus Sun conjunct Jupiter will spoil you with food and trinkets.

When the Sun and Jupiter aspect each other, especially a conjunction, it always indicates an generous and expansive nature. The signs simply indicate the manner of expression, the 'personality'. Other aspects may modify it, even contradict it, but it's still part of the personality. Many people are a mass of contradictions, after all.

Another example is Sun conjunct Neptune..

Sun (will;purpose) conjunct (integration) Neptune (inspiration;creativity)

Sun conjunct Neptune indicates a sensitive & inspired purpose.

The signs would color it accordingly..

Aries Sun conjunct Neptune would heighten the need to be creative as well as assertive, softening the aggressive Aries temperament.

Taurus Sun conjunct Neptune would enhance the creativity of the sensual Taurus - as a dancer or singer, for instance;

The examples I gave above are more evolved expressions. An example of a less evolved or dysfunctional Taurus Sun conjunct Neptune would be overindulgence in sensuous pleasures. Sun aspecting Neptune indicates the need to seek creative Nirvana, and those who don't recognize this need within themselves because of a lack of self understanding, will still act on the impulse, but unconsciously and often with unhappy results. As with all the dynamics, there are no guarantees, only tendencies and free will. And there are different levels of influence and intensity of each of the aspects, depending on the individual. That's why the most qualified person to read your BirthPrint is you because you already know your dynamics experientially, so your BirthPrint is largely a confirmation, and a wonderful validation of your gifts and strengths. Such a validation deepens understanding and strengthens confidence and the will to pursue your dreams.

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves; we are underlings." ~ William Shakespeare

Now that you're comfortably familiar with the planets, aspects & signs, let's review..

The 10 planets are the main event, not the signs of the zodiac, as most people think. The 10 planets describe the entirety of the psyche - conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Your nature is defined in the moment of your first breath by how the planets connect via the aspects and which signs they occupy. There is a high, low and everything-in-between expression of the planets, aspects & signs. How we express it is largely dependent on soul evolution, followed by your early environment - your new programming. That's it in an earthshell.

"The question of all questions for humanity, the problem which lies behind all others and is more interesting than any of them, is that of the determination of man's place in nature and his relation to the cosmos." ~ T.H. Huxley


If you know enough astrology to wonder why I haven't yet mentioned the houses, it's because house analysis is only relevant with an exact birth time, unknown by many. Fortunately, that in no way detracts from the rich information you gain from the PLANETS, ASPECTS & SIGNS alone. Still, let's briefly take a look at the houses for those who can use and benefit from the info..

The '12 houses' correspond to the signs of the zodiac. They're called 'houses' because each of the 10 planets 'reside' in one at any given time. Each house represents a specific area of human life: home, work, family, health, career, friends, travel, education, partnerships, etc., etc. Every life issue under the Sun is represented by one of the 12 houses. And each house that contains one or more of your planet(s) indicates a main area of interest.

The 12 houses, also called the 'wheel of life', is the stage on which you play. BUT you must know your exact time of birth to determine the house positions and your 'ascendant' (your 'rising sign') the sign on the 1st house cusp. This is called a 'natal chart'. Yet even just two minutes' error in your birth time can lead to a spectacularly wrong analysis.

Thankfully there is the 'solar chart', which does not rely on an exact birth time, and on which the 12 houses are a silent backdrop. The solar chart always puts the sun in the 1st house. All the BirthPrints in this book are solar charts. The birth time of most of the VIPs ahead aren't known, so their BirthPrints are calculated with a noon birth time. Since the Moon is the only planet that moves more than one degree a day, moving 12 degrees daily, a noon birthtime guarantees the Moon won't be more than six degrees away from its true location, and usually less.

Actually, Benjamin Franklin cast horoscopes without addressing the houses, and there are multiple clashing theories of house calculation, unlike the PLANETS, ASPECTS & SIGNS, which are universally consistent. Things to consider when addressing the natal vs. solar chart question.


The ephemeris contains the planetary positions through the centuries. All the planetary data you need to cast a horoscope is contained in an ephemeris. I suggest you get both the 20th & 21st century ephemeris for easy reference. Though there was a time when casting a horoscope took hours of strenuous math calculation, these days an ephemeris is barely needed, with programs and websites that calculate birth charts for you - this site is my favorite, Astrolabe Inc., out of my home state of Massachusetts. But it's good to have an ephemeris on hand - no electricity required.

"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same." ~ Carlos Castaneda


The recent vote to demote Pluto was hotly debated and highly contentious. And how ironic that Pluto lost its status in arguably the most Plutonian time in recorded history.

To illustrate the precariousness of of Pluto's demeaning new designation as a dwarf planet, here are some telling recent excerpts from various news sources:

"[T]he lead scientist on Nasa's robotic mission to Pluto has lambasted the ruling, calling it "embarrassing". And the chair of the committee set up to oversee agreement on a definition implied that the vote had effectively been "hijacked". Dr Alan Stern, who leads the US space agency's New Horizons mission to Pluto and did not vote in Prague, told BBC News: "It's an awful definition; it's sloppy science and it would never pass peer review..""

""I'm embarrassed for astronomy. Less than 5 percent of the world's astronomers voted," said Alan Stern, leader of NASA's New Horizons mission to Pluto and a scientist at the Southwest Research Institute. "This definition stinks, for technical reasons," Stern told SPACE.com. He expects the astronomy community to overturn the decision. Other astronomers criticized the definition as ambiguous."

"Stern called it "absurd" that only 424 astronomers were allowed to vote, out of some 10,000 professional astronomers around the globe. "It won't stand," he said. "It's a farce." Stern said astronomers are already circulating a petition that would try to overturn the IAU decision."

and just before its demotion...

""Everybody's been wanting to know, 'Is Pluto a planet?' " said Dr. Richard Binzel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who served on the seven-member committee assembled by the International Astronomical Union to try to settle the explosive issue. "The answer is: Yes, Virginia, Pluto is a planet.'"

told BBC News only 424 astronomers were allowed to vote circulating a petition Yes, Virginia, Pluto is a planet.'

About Astrology & Me..

1970 to the present ~ 45 years and counting...

I've been an astrologer for over four decades in my home state of Massachusetts. Like millions of others, my interest in astrology was ignited by Linda Goodman's Sun Signs. Unlike millions of others, I was just 13.

Inspired by Sun Signs, I took the next step - into the world of of planetary dynamics. I learned from some of the best astrologers in New England - Isabel Hickey, Frances Sekoian, Paul Guercio & others. As luck would have it, I also married a Goodman.

As a graphic artist and inventor, it was a natural step to develop a set of do-it-yourself astrology tools that help people help themselves. So in 1994 I designed the BirthPrint and the FutureMap [now the FutureGraph], followed later by other astrological tools.

I hope you find what you're looking for!
home ~ digital portrait & astro analysis ~ tesla autobiography ~ savitri ~ bio ~ e-mail

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"We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same." ~ Carlos Castaneda

© copyright 1993-2016 Linda MacLeod Goodman / site designed by linda's fingertips